英语人>词典>英汉 : prevalence的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

prevalence ['prevələns]


流行, 传播, 普及

更多 网络例句 与prevalence相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study discovered that total amount of potential medication safety risks was 1,876 and the overall prevalence was 7.3%. The items of results depending on categorizes of evaluation, ward, medical specialty, diagnosis and pharmacology were as follows: The highest prevalence is pharmaceutical incompatibilities which is 4.7%. The highest prevalence was general ward which is 4.3%. The highest prevalence was pulmonary disease which is 2.5%. The highest prevalence was acute respiratory failure which is 3.0%. The highest prevalence was cathartics and laxatives which is 1.6%.

研究结果发现这群管灌病人的口服剂型治疗药物中具潜在用药安全性风险问题的件数为 1,876 件;整体平均盛行率为 7.3 %,其中依风险问题评估类别、病房别、科别、疾病主诊断别、药理作用类别之各项统计分析结果,分别占居最高盛行率者为:药剂学性配伍禁忌之盛行率为 4.7 %;一般病房之盛行率为4.3 %;胸腔内科之盛行率为 2.5 %;急性呼吸衰竭之盛行率为 3.0 %;泻剂及缓泻剂类之盛行率为 1.6 %。

It includes four parts: 1 Part I, it introduces the basic knowledge of computer viruses such as computer virus definition, history and important viruses events, features, behavior phenomena, difference with computer software and hardware troubles, damage behavior and capability, classification, naming, future trend, etc; 2 Part II, it introduces the corresponding knowledge of computer systems related to computer viruses such as the composing of software and hardware of the computer system, storage media and its working mechanism, interrupt technologies,.com/.exe/.pe file formats and their working mechanism, etc; 3 Part III, it introduces computer virus mechanism and theory such as computer virus structure, work flow, working mechanism of key modules, typical technologies used to design computer viruses including the corresponding traditional technologies (interrupt filching, memory resident, etc.), the corresponding new routine technologies (self-encrypting, Mutation Engine, etc.), and the corresponding new technologies used by some prevalence computer viruses such as macro viruses, e-mail viruses, worm, hacker, Trojan, mobile phone viruses, the working mechanism analysis of some kinds of typical and prevalence computer viruses such as file-type viruses, macro viruses, e-mail viruses, worm viruses, hacker, Trojan, mobile phone viruses, the analysis of some typical and prevalence computer viruses examples including BALL viruses, WORD macro viruses, WantJob viruses, Code Red viruses, BO Trojan, etc; 4 Part IV, it introduces the defense and killing technologies of computer viruses such as the aim and criterion of computer viruses defense and killing, prevention methods and corresponding technologies, detection technologies (comparison method, character code scanning method, behavior inspecting method, analysis method, etc.), manual and automatic killing technologies, immunity technologies such as IBM digital immunity system, new anti-viruses technology trends (real-time anti-viruses technologies, 32 kernel technologies, active kernel technologies, etc.), some typical virus defense and killing softwares (Symantec AntiVirus product, PC-Cillin AntiVirus product, etc.), the defense and killing method analysis of some kinds of typical and prevalence computer viruses (file-type viruses, macro viruses, worm viruses, hacker, etc.), for example, firewall and intrusion detection technologies for anti-hacker, the defense and killing of some typical and prevalence computer viruses examples including WORD macro viruses, Code Red viruses, BO Trojan, etc.


Results the overall injury prevalence was 4.58 ‰,and in details,the prevalence gender ratio(boys vs. girls) was 3.48. further analysis showed that the injury prevalence among adolescents was associated with the school types. the campus was the main place of injury occurrence (82.8%). incaution was the leading cause for adolescent injuries accounting for 85.5%. the leading four types of injuries were collision (56.9%),falls (28.8%),knife-cutting or sharp weapon hurt (4.7%) and traffic accidents (1.8%). the most common types of injury were fraction (41.6%) and trauma (36.4%).

结果 学生伤害的平均年发生率为4.58‰,男、女生伤害发生率比值为3.48;伤害发生率与校别有较密切的关系;学校是学生伤害发生的最主要场所,占82.8%;不慎是造成学生伤害发生的最主要原因,占伤害发生原因的85.5%;排在前4位的伤害类型依次是碰撞(56.9%)、跌落(28.8%)、切割穿刺(4.7%)、交通事故(1.8%);伤害性质主要以骨折和外伤为主,分别占伤害数的41.6%和36.4%。

更多网络解释 与prevalence相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


疾病流行(Prevalence)简单地讲是在在感兴趣人群中发生疾病的频率测量. 一个特定的疾病在普通人群中发生的频率可能只是5% ,但是在特殊的、有选择的人群中会是较高流行. 例如,黑肺(black- lung)在普通人群中有很低的流行,


我们的研究旨在明确伊斯坦布尔市小学生打鼾的患病率,并对可能与睡眠问题相关的白天症状作出评估. 关键词 儿童 (children); 多动 (hyperactivity); 被动吸烟 (passive smoke exposure); 患病率 (prevalence); 打鼾 (snoring)


若依精神科医师诊疗过的病人来做推估,点盛行率(point prevalence)只有0.05%至1%. 也有的学者认为,...流行率(prevalence)是一个比例...点流行率(point prevalence):指特定的...时间点的流行率


(即使不是有没有超过消费上限那麼黑白分明,而要牵涉个人判断,那里的理论考虑仍不会建基於实践考虑的. )因为抗病毒药物的发展,盛行率(Prevalence)上升是必然的现像,盛行率上升必定引致感染率上升,这也是基本原则和演绎,不是诠释.

prevalence rate:患病率

(三)患病率(prevalence rate) 1.定义 患病率也称现患率.是指某特定时间内总人口中某病新旧病例所占比例.患病率可按观察时 间的不同分为期间患病率和时点患病率两种.时点患病率较常用.通常患病率时点在理论上是无长度的,

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