英语人>词典>英汉 : pressure ice的中文,翻译,解释,例句
pressure ice的中文,翻译,解释,例句

pressure ice

pressure ice的基本解释


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However, for high pressure flammable ice "hobby" to a much larger than the low temperature.


Note, however, that ice charts do not record ice pressure; the impact of this on the model is discussed below.


When subjected to pressure, ice melts.


Ice pressure is second only to collision with glacial ice as a hazard to ships.


Under ordinary conditions of pressure ,water becomes ice at C and steam at 100C.


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更多网络解释与pressure ice相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pressure ice:压力冰

pressure ice foot 沿岸冰麓 | pressure ice 压力冰 | pressure increase 压力增量

pressure ice:受压浮冰

受填塞矿物 stuffed minerals | 受压浮冰 pressure ice | 受压水 confined water

pressure ice:冰壓力

"静水压力","Pressure, hydro-static" | "冰压力","Pressure, ice" | "惯性压力","Pressure, inertia"

pressure ice:起伏冰,挤压冰

pressure hydrophone 声压水听器,压强水听器 | pressure ice 起伏冰,挤压冰 | pressure ice-foot 挤压冰壁

pressure ice foot:沿岸冰麓

pressure hull 内壳 | pressure ice foot 沿岸冰麓 | pressure ice 压力冰

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