英语人>词典>英汉 : pregnancy rate的中文,翻译,解释,例句
pregnancy rate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

pregnancy rate

pregnancy rate的基本解释

妊娠率, 受胎率

更多网络例句与pregnancy rate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:Oviduct deoppilation rate of 40 patients with hight mark,36 patients with middle mark and 20 patients with low mark after laparoscopic surgery was 92.5%,87.5% and 77.5% respectively.Pregnancy rate of three group was 72.5%,30.6% and 0.Ectopic pregnancy rate of three group was 2.5%,8.3% and 10%.


The lower pregnancy rate was found in Group C,the highest abortion rate and ectopic pregnancy rate were found in Group C was 21.15% and 7.69% repectively,and was statistially different from that in control group (P.05).Conclusion Hydrosalpinx is detrimental to the outcome of IVF-ET and may cause the increase of abortion,appropriate procedure should be adopted to deal with the problem before the IVF-ET and may improve the outcome of IVF-ET and may decrease the abortion rate.


objective we start with clinical research to explore the ability and mechanism of ion conduction with chinese herbs to curing ovulatory obstacle.methods adopting the methods of clinical observation random contrast.select the cases of ovulatory obstacle dividing randomly into two groups:therapeutic group and control group,the patients of therapeutic group using ion conduction with chinese herbs with act'on nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis when follicle grow up to 1.4cm.we take the decoction of jia jian tao hong si wu tang conducting the unilateral lower abdomen which has the dominant follicle,treating continuously for 4~8 days and observing ovulation.the patients of control group inject hcg 10000unit when follicle grow up to 1.8cm and observing ovulation.appraising two groups ovulated rate and pregnancy rate,and detect fsh、lh、e2、p at sixteen to eighteen days of menstrual cycle.results ion conduction with chinese herbs can significantly inspires ovulation and its effection is evidently higher than control group and has a higher pregnancy rate,no side effect of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.conclusion ion conduction with chinese herbs has significant function on inspiring ovulation.the target effection of treating ovulatory obstacle is exact.this method has a ovulated rate and higher pregnancy rate.


更多网络解释与pregnancy rate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

maternal mortality rate:孕产妇死亡率,产妇死亡率

maternal handicap 母体阻滞 | maternal mortality rate 孕产妇死亡率,产妇死亡率 | maternal physiology in pregnancy 妊娠生理

pregnancy polyneuritis:妊娠性多神经炎

pregnancy length 妊娠期 | pregnancy polyneuritis 妊娠性多神经炎 | pregnancy rate 妊娠率,受胎率

pregnancy complicating CHD:妊娠合并先心病

妊高征:Pregnancy-induced hypertension Syndrome (PIH) | 妊娠合并先心病:pregnancy complicating CHD | 多胎妊娠率:multitle-gestation pregnancy rate