英语人>词典>英汉 : prefactor的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

prefactor [pri:'fæktə]



更多网络例句与prefactor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To find the prefactor, evaluate the infinite product of gaussian integrals using the formula


Replaced by an integral, and ignoring the energy dependence of the prefactor An, show that


To find the prefactor, evaluate the infinite product of gaussian integrals using the formula


With β= 1/T . Assuming that the levels En are closely spaced, so that the sum over n can bereplaced by an integral, and ignoring the energy dependence of the prefactor An, show that the maximum in the sum corresponds to the energy E for which

其中β = 1/T 。假设能级En 是接近等间距的,因此对n求和可以用积分代替,并忽略能量对前因子An,的依赖,证明和的最大值对应能量E有

With β= 1/T . Assuming that the levels En are closely spaced, so that the sum over n can bereplaced by an integral, and ignoring the energy dependence of the prefactor An, show that the maximum in the sum corresponds to the energy E for which

其中β = 1/T 。假设能级En 是接近等间距的,因此对n求和可以用积分代替,并忽略能量对前因数An,的依赖,证明和的最大值对应能量E有

更多网络解释与prefactor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"预测","prediction" | "前因子","prefactor" | "优先方向","preferential direction"


predictability 可预报性 | prefactor 前[置]因子 | preferential direction 择优方向