prediction [pri'dikʃən]
- prediction的基本解释
预言, 预报
- My optimistic predictions came true.
- 我的乐观的预言成了现实。
- He gave very little thought to the prediction of the fortune-teller, and didn't dream of any short-cut to fortune.
- 他根本不相信算命人的预言,更不梦想有任何发财的快捷方式。
- 相似词
- prediction的同义词
- n. prognostication
- 拼写相近单词
- predictional
- predictions
- 更多 网络例句 与prediction相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This scheme was composed of two parts: intra prediction and inter prediction. For the intra prediction part, 8×8 block DCT-HT transform-domain converse was used, and then intra mode decision was done in HT domain to obtain the optimum mode, so that good intra prediction was acquired. For the inter prediction part, Motion Vector got from Variable Length Decoding in MPEG-2 stream was reused as Prediction Motion Vector of H.264, then motion prediction mode and search region were reset, so that better prediction result was acquired.
Among used machine learning methods, the gradient descent method is widely used to train various classifiers, such as Back-propagation neural network and linear text classifier. However, the gradient descent method is easily trapped into a local minimum and slowly converges. Thus, this study presents a gradient forecasting search method based on prediction methods to enhance the performance of the gradient descent method in order to develop a more efficient and precise machine learning method for Web mining.However, a prediction method with few sample data items and precise forecasting ability is a key issue to the gradient forecasting search method. Applying statistic-based prediction methods to implement GFSM is unsuitable because they require a large number of data items to model a prediction model. In the contrast with statistic-based prediction methods, GM(1,1) grey prediction model does not need a large number of data items to build a prediction model, and it has low computational load. However, the original GM(1,1) grey prediction model uses a mathematical hypothesis and approximation to transform a continuous differential equation into a discrete difference equation in order to model a forecasting model.
其中梯度法是一个最常被使用来实现机器学习的方法之一,然而梯度法具有学习速度慢以及容易陷入局部最佳解的缺点,因此,本研究提出一个梯度预测搜寻法则(gradient forecasting search method, GFSM)来改善传统梯度法的缺点,用来提升一些以梯度学习法则为基础的分类器在资讯探勘上的效率与正确性;而一个所需资料量少、计算复杂度低且精确的预测模型是梯度预测搜寻法能否有效进行最佳解搜寻之关键因素,传统统计为基础之预测方法的缺点是需要较大量的数据进行预测,因此计算复杂度高,灰色预测模型具有建模资料少且计算复杂度低等优点,然而灰色预测理论以连续之微分方程式为基础,并且透过一些数学上的假设与近似,将连续之微分方程式转换成离散之差分方程式来对离散型资料进行建模及预测,这样的作法不尽合理,且缺乏数学理论上的完备性,因为在转换过程中已经造成建模上的误差,且建模过程仅考虑相邻的两个资料点关系,无法正确反应数列未来的变化趋势。
With the IAP Prediction System of Short-term Climate Anomaly, two sets of seasonal and extra-seasonal ensemble hindcasts have been performed during the period of 1980~1994 in order to assess the prediction skill of the IAP PSSCA with two different schemes The difference of the two schemes is in the different version of AGCM used, with the IAP AGCM 1 1 in one scheme and the IAP AGCM 1 2 with an improved surface albedo parameterization in the other Comparisons of the hindcast results with the observations show that IAP PSSCA is capable of predicting the precipitation anomaly to some extent In the eastern China largely affected by Asian monsoon and SST anomalies, the prediction skill is relatively high, especially in the Southeastern China where the anomaly correlation coefficient can reach as high as 0 50 in the severe flood and drought years This may suggest that the possible mechanisms for these severe disasters have been well captured by the IAP PSSCA The prediction skill is higher for the modified model AGCM 1 2 as the model's climatological state is well simulated This indicates that models with reasonable land process will improve the prediction skill for short-term climate prediction
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所研制的短期气候距平数值预测系统,种版本的大气环流模式:AGCM 1.1和AGCM 1.2,分别以2月11~19日的9天大气观测值为初始场,以给定海温为边界场,对1980~1994年的15年的降水异常进行了两组集合后报试验。对试验结果进行定量评估表明:IAP PSSCA对降水异常具有一定的预测能力,特别是在中国东部受东亚季风及海温异常影响的地区,IAP PSSCA具有较高的预报技巧,其中以东南区域(包括江淮流域和华南地区)最高,尤其是对有洪涝灾害的降水异常年,距平相关系数在0.50左右,接近可供业务使用的要求,说明模式能够抓住在东亚季风区存在的某种物理机制,从而提高了这一地区的预报技巧;另外,两个大气环流模式相比,改进了地表反照率的AGCM 1.2的15年集合平均预测技巧略高于AGCM 1.1,特别是在华北地区,预测效果有明显提高,这表明改进地表反照率从而改进了模式的气候平均态的模拟,能提高气候模式的预测能力,说明较好的陆面过程引入模式对短期气候预测是有益的。
- 更多网络解释 与prediction相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
二是预见(prediction). 这个标准主要包括未来的资料,而不是过去的或现在的资料. 好模型准确地和可靠地预期未来的事件,因此它不仅能够预言,而且也能受它自己的预言的检验. 三是
"预测"(Prediction)这个词在物理学和生物学中被分别用来表示完全不同的意思. 当科学哲学家谈到预测时,指的是逻辑预测,即个别观察与某一学说或科学定律是否相符. 例如达尔文的共同祖先学说使得海克尔能够预言人与猿之间"缺失的环节"(missing links)将会在化石记录中发现.
18.预言(Prediction)-预测将要发生的事. 19.超感应力(Extra Sensory Perception)-就是俗称的ESP 回顾这个纲要,你也许会发现,这些效果都是起于物理上的技艺,然后逐渐变化上升到那些精神上的控制和这一系列分类的顶点,
adaptive prediction:适应预报
adaptive controller,适应控制器 | adaptive prediction,适应预报 | adaptive telemetering system,适应遥测系统
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