英语人>词典>英汉 : pounding heart的中文,翻译,解释,例句
pounding heart的中文,翻译,解释,例句

pounding heart

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So I started, with my heart pounding and a lump in my throat, to talk to women.


It is the feeling of a pounding heart


Who gets my heart pounding? It's you.


I think it's because my heart starts pounding every time I see u.


My heart was pounding the whole time.


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Heart pounding:心絞痛

Chronic cough 久咳不癒 | Heart pounding 心絞痛 | Heart murmur 心雜音

Skipping, racing, pounding of heart:心跳偷停、加速或加重

心跳偷停、加速或加重Skipping, racing, pounding of heart | 胸闷、胸痛Pain, pressure in chest | 刺痛感、麻木Tingling, numbness

Your heart pounding:心脏狂跳不已

...to be the brunt of the joke.|什么叫玩笑开过头了 | Your heart pounding...|心脏狂跳不已... | ...face burning hot.|脸部通红

Heart pounding, pulse racing:心跳加速

plaintive adj.悲哀的, 哀伤的 | Heart pounding, pulse racing 心跳加速 | get at v.到达, 够到, 了解, 意味着指责, 含沙影射地攻击

who gets my heart pounding:能让我心跳加速

[1:40.118]It's not just that.I want someone who does something for me... 不只是因为那样,因为我要一个能让我有... | [1:45.123]who gets my heart pounding. 能让我心跳加速 | [1:46.718]Who makes me.... 让我.....

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