英语人>词典>英汉 : potential theory的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
potential theory的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

potential theory

potential theory的基本解释

势论, 位论, [数]位势理论

更多网络例句与potential theory相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ability of the linear potential theory will be limited to solve this kind of problem.


In chapter 5, based potential analysis theory and method, Estimating Method of the technical progress was studied.


Fuzzy identification and control theory have great potential in solving control of complex system.


The potential development in theory research and application is discussed.


Based on the Lennard-Jones potential function, the theory of dispersion nanoparticles by ultrasonic were also discussed.


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更多网络解释与potential theory相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

potential theory:势论

高斯是一个理论家,韦伯引起高斯对物理问题产生兴趣,而高斯用数学工具处理物理问题,影响韦伯的思考工作方法. 高斯在1834到1840年写的>一文里给出了势论(Potential theory)的基本理论

potential theory:位势论

potential stability势稳定性 | potential theory位势论 | potential variability势可变性

potential theory:位论

potential temperature 位温 | potential theory 位论 | potential transformer 电位互感器

potential theory:势流理论

复势方法:complex-potential theory | 势流理论:potential theory | 复势方法:complex-potential theory.

elastic potential theory:弹性势理论

elastic plan 弹性计划 | elastic potential theory 弹性势理论 | elastic properties 弹性

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