英语人>词典>英汉 : porphyry copper的中文,翻译,解释,例句
porphyry copper的中文,翻译,解释,例句

porphyry copper

porphyry copper的基本解释


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By taking granite porphyry from the Jiama Porphyry Copper Deposit in Tibet for example, this paper briefly introduces the image characteristics of scanning electron microscope cathodoluminescence and optical microscope cathodoluminescence, and summarized the application of quartz cathodoluminescence in study of igneous rock.


Minas Conga is a gold-rich copper porphyry system that lies northeast of the Yanacocha district.

Minas Conga是含金丰富的铜斑岩体系,位于Yanacocha区的东北方。

Therefore, the illite polytype might be an effective indictor for mineralization of porphyry copper deposit.


Zhongdian is enriched with indo-Chinese epoch neutral acid porphyry as well as one of the porphyry copper deposits in china that was an important breakthrough in the past few years.


It has been successfully applied to the prediction and assessment of Gangdese porphyry copper belt in Tibet.


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