英语人>词典>英汉 : polypods的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


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The first is what are the fewest points of motion necessary to animal progression, the second why sanguineous animals have four points and not more, but bloodless animals more than four, and generally why some animals are footless, others bipeds, others quadrupeds, others polypods, and why all have an even number of feet, if they have feet at all; why in fine the points on which progression depends are even in number.

首先是运动是什么必要的动物进展最低分,第二个为什么血红的动物有四点意见,而不是多,但不流血的动物超过4,一般为什么一些动物是无足,其他两足动物,其他四足动物,其他polypods ,为什么都有一个偶数的脚,如果他们在所有的脚,为什么在精细点上的进展取决于更是增多。