英语人>词典>英汉 : pollution的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


污染, 玷污

  • We have freed the lake from pollution.
  • 我们已经清除了该湖的污染。
  • She was horrified by all the pollution on the beach.
  • 她对海滩上的污染感到震惊。
  • The men were clearing all the pollution off the shore.
  • 人们在清除海滩上的污染物。
Energy / 能量 [159]

wind turbine  ·  wind farm  ·  wave power  ·  tidal power  ·  power lines  ·  magnetic energy  ·  jet fuel  ·  internal combustion engine  ·  greenhouse gas  ·  green energy

更多 网络例句 与pollution相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The equivalent standard pollution loadings were compared among different rigions, the results indicated that the water pollution threaten caused by agricultural non-point source pollution was more serious in the south of Jiangsu province and in Nantong than in the other rigions;The equivalentStandard pollution loading rates of different agricultural non-point source pollution in different regions were analysised by clustering analysis method,and the results indicated that Nanjing、 Wuxi、 Zhenjiang and Changzhou were polluted mainly by domestic living pollution;Xuzhou、 Suqian、 Taizhou、 Yancheng、 Lianyungang、 Huaian and Nantong were polluted mainly by chemical fertilizer pollution; Suzhou and Yangzhou were polluted corresponsively by animals feces pollution 、 domestic living pollution、 chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution.


The results show that:(1) the overall water quality in the Xiangjiang River had become worse during the 1990s and the main pollutants which caused aggravating pollution were total coliforms, total phosphorus, petroleum and total hydrargyrum ;(2) the main pollution sources were living pollution, which increased evidently in recent years, and industry pollution, of which heavy metal pollution is evident;(3) among the mainstream of the Xiangjiang River , river sections in Zhuzhou, Xiangtan and Changsha suffered from the most serious pollution;(4) it is forecasted that living pollution and agriculture pollution will become more serious in the future.


In consideration of the indeterminateness in spacetime distribution and pollution sources of sudden water pollution and on the basis of the time effectiveness of pollution control and remediation and the principle of decrease of pollution losses to a minimum, an analysis was made of the present situation of pollution accidents by flexible description of the pollution information, realizing a highly efficient simulation of the impacts of sudden pollution in rivers.


更多网络解释 与pollution相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


比如,一个学员发言时说"这里人口很严重,空气和水都非常脏. "原来她把"污染"(pollution)这个词念成了"人口"(population). 在老师循循善诱下,学生终于意识到了其中的问题.


半个世纪以来,人类社会面临着"人口"(Population)爆炸,环境"污染"(Pollution),资源"枯竭"(Poverty)三(P)大危机. 工业革命以后的西方世界,信息革命到来的经济全球化的今天,人们正在经受着一种生态学上的"精神分裂症"的折磨.


可望带进200亿美元采购商机. GNP(Gross National Product)一般是指一国的总生产毛额. 重视永续发展的人士,常常指出不要为了快速发展经济,让GNP的成长,变成一个制造垃圾(Garbage)、噪音(Noise)与公害(Pollution)的过程.



air pollution:空气污染

空气污染(air pollution)是由人类活动直接引起的天然与合成的有害物质向大气的排放. 空气污染是一个复杂的问题,因为污染物可以是以气体、液体(气溶胶)或固体形式存在的一些化学物质中的任意一种. 而且,污染物可直接排放到大气中(初级污染物),

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