英语人>词典>英汉 : political scene的中文,翻译,解释,例句
political scene的中文,翻译,解释,例句

political scene

political scene的基本解释


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However bizarre his public pronouncements and however non-PC his private life, Italians still prefer this leathery 73-year-old Lothario to anyone else on the political scene.


The western world is used to looking at Chinese contemporary art as a peep show, a revealing of a dictatorial country's dark scenes. As a matter of fact, the political scene of China today is not comparable to its past; China is more and more integrated to the world, and Chinese artists have already changed from passive creation to initiative-driven creation. The art works by Chinese artists no longer convey the government's will, but, at the same time, don't necessarily convey the intention of the nation or the intellectuals, either.


The Fujiwara family controlled the political scene of the Heian period over several centuries through strategic intermarriages with the imperial family and by occupying all the important political offices in Kyoto and the major provinces. The power of the clan reached its peak with Fujiwara Michinaga in the year 1016. After Michinaga, however, the ability of the Fujiwara leaders began to decline, and public order could not be maintained.

通过与皇族联婚和控制 Kyoto 重要的政治机构及主要的省, Heian 时期, Fujiwara 家族逐渐控制了政治权力。1016年, Fujiwara Michinaga 时期, Fujiwara 家族的权力达到了顶峰,但是,在此之后, Fujiwara 领导人的权力开始下降,社会秩序开始混乱。

更多网络解释与political scene相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a venal administration:腐败的政府

a vague, inchoate idea. 一个模糊的、尚未成熟的想法 | a venal administration 腐败的政府 | a voracious observer of the political scene 对政治事件的饥渴观察者;