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political economy的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

political economy

political economy的基本解释


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On the basis of formal chapters' analysis, learning from foreign countries' successful experience in circular economy's legislation, considering our own legislation practice in developing circular economy, the main framework of our country's circular economy's legal institutions' construction is put forward as follows, the guidance thought of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction is the concept of scientific development and the thought of sustainable development; the 3R principle, the principle of following the ecological rules, the principle of giving priority to precautions, the principle of the contaminator paying are the basic principles of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction; the field of the natural resources' exploitation and utilization, the field of manufacturing industry and service trades, the field of disposing waste and changing waste into resources, the field of the exploiting and utilizing energy, and the field of social consumption are the key fields of the circular economy's legal institution's construction; the circular economy's legal system is constructed from four levels, the basic laws, the principle laws, the comprehensive laws and the special laws; The following circular economy's legal institutions are made, the institution of circular economy's planning, the institution of green economy's accounting, the institution of scientific and technological information's titles, the institution of economic encouragement, the institution of market allowance, the institution of listing the names' who set good example in developing circular economy, the institution of forcing those enterprises with heavy pollution into developing circular economy, the institution of green consumption, the institution of the public's participation, the institution of sharing the responsibility, and the institution of evaluating the circular economy's results.


This paper analyzes the suitability of political party in the following five points: it expatiates on the Huntington's suitability and carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later in the first part. In the second part, through probing into political party, it realized the general deficiency of Thailand political party. In the third part, it aims to the Thailand political ecology to analyze the military power, monarchal power and patron-client relations. It realized that the Thailand political ecology exercises a great influence on the development of political party. In the fourth part, from deducing the relationship between political party and political ecology, it realizes, it's the weak suitability lead to the military coup is inevitable. In the fifth part, it reflects further on how to strengthen the suitability of political party. It thinks that political party should have more effects on promoting the process of democratization.


Jiang Zemin"s theory of ideological political work has affluent contents and abundant opinions. On the basis of extensive reading, analyzing, inducting, researching on Jiang Zemin"s report about ideology political work and important document of the third central leadership, using system analyzing method, com out the main ideas. That is with regard to rank and function of ideological political work, objective and tack of ideological political work, object of ideological political work, principle of ideological political work, basic content of ideological political work, method of ideological political work, leading of ideological political work.


更多网络解释 与political economy相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Political Economy:政治经济学

我们现在所称的"经济学",曾经一度被称为"政治经济学"(political economy),由此可说明政治(政府)与经济之间的密切关系. 在17及18世纪,当时的企业人士与政府主张一种被称为"重商主义"(mercantilism)的经济原则. 基本上,

Political Economy:政治经济

波普金针对斯科特的农民"道义经济"提出相对应的"政治经济"(political economy)这一核心假设. 二者就农民的基本判断之争可以具体地表述为以下几个主要论点:经营单位的性质:斯科特吸取了查亚诺夫关于家庭农场与经营性农场之区别的观点,

Political Economy:政治

而使立法在国际范围内趋于一致,则要必须通过政治(political economy)这一关. 比方说,一个发展中的国家的政府,完全有可能通过降低劳动福利待遇、削弱工会、降低税收等办法,去增强国家的竞争力,吸引国际资本,

Political Economy:经济学

在结论部分,托马斯.亚诺斯基和亚历山大.希斯克阐明了"政治经济学"(Political economy)这个含混的概念,并指出了福利国家的比较政治经济学在未来几十年内可预期遵循的四个发展方向.

Radical Political Economy:激进政治经济学

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