英语人>词典>英汉 : police baton的中文,翻译,解释,例句
police baton的中文,翻译,解释,例句

police baton

更多网络例句与police baton相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Police instruments: baton, baton gun, riot control grenade, tear bomb, shoot and catch met, strong light flashlight, floodlight, lamp for special work, cuff, anklet, police line, searchlight, road block etc.


And according to Mineo, one of the sodomized him with a police baton.

根据 Mineo 说对他性侵犯的警察手持警棒。

Palestinian medics evacuated one injured man and said he had been hit in the head with an Israeli police baton.


Anyone whos known Snopp know that he has had several brushes with the law. He was stopped at another Los Angeles-area airport after being found to have a banned police baton in his bag, which he said was to be a prop in a video he was shooting in New York.

任何人who s已知snopp知道他有几个刷子与法律,他是停在另一项洛杉矶地区的机场后,被发现有一个被取缔的警方的接力棒在他的袋子,他说是一个道具在视频拍摄他在纽约举行。

Anyone whos known Snopp know that he has had several brushes with the law. He was stopped at another Los Angeles-area airport after being found to have a banned police baton in his bag, which he said was to be a prop in a video he was shooting in New York.

任何who s已知snopp知道他曾出现过几次刷符合法律规定,他是停在另一项洛杉矶地区机场后,被发现有违禁警方接力棒,在他的包里,他说,这是成为一个道具,在录像,他的投篮命中率在美国纽约举行。

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更多网络解释与police baton相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Police Baton:警棍

女巫杀手在游戏初期有很高几率捡到的格斗武器,攻击速度快,范围小. (6)警棍(Police Baton)攻击间隔:0.7秒攻击范围:较小属性:断肢,击退防弹衣感染者死后有较高的几率跌落警棍. 警棍攻击间隔短,武器属性多,可惜攻击判定非常小.

truncheona police baton:警棍

警务处高级助理处长Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police | 警棍truncheona police baton | 警察constable