英语人>词典>英汉 : pod的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

pod [pɔd]

第三人称单数:[pods]  动词过去式:[podded]  过去分词:[podded]  现在分词:[podding]  

豆荚, 蚕茧

  • Peas and beans grow in pods.
  • 豌豆和蚕豆长在豆荚里。




Container / 容器 [100]

ice bucket  ·  grocery bag  ·  file folder  ·  paper bag  ·  water bottle  ·  plastic bag  ·  wastebasket  ·  vial  ·  vessel  ·  vesicle

更多 网络例句 与pod相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that five bands including POD-1, POD-2, POD-3, POD-4 and POD-5 were detected in the gel of POD as well as EST-1, EST-2, EST-3, EST4 and EST-5 for EST. POD-3 and POD-4 were common in all the tissues, but most intensive in F. tartaricum. POD-2 was only discovered in the leaves of F. cymosum and caudex of F. cymosum 1. Although there was some difference between the location, POD-2 appeared in the caudexes of three buckwheat and root of F. tartaricum. POD-5 was detected in all leaves and caudx of F.


The results showed that POD activity increased at first and then decreased in the skin and flesh of root. The peak occurred at 40 d and 60 d in the skin and flesh, respectively. POD activity in the skin was higher than that in the flesh at 30 d and then contrary results were observed. The higher POD activity was, the more POD isoenzyme was. The pattern of POD isoenzymes was different between skin and flesh at different vegetative growth stages. POD isoenzymes in the skin were composed of five monomers and four dimers while five dimers or two monomers, two dimers and one tetramer in the flesh. POD isoenzymes in the root were mainly acidic. POD localized mainly in the cell walls of periderm, cambium, xylem ray, xylem vessels and primary xylem.

结果显示,心里美萝卜营养生长期肉质根的皮和肉中POD活性均先升高后降低,分别在播种后第40 d和60 d出现峰值,30 d时皮中POD活性高于肉,之后则相反,酶活性最高时同工酶数目也最多,不同时期,皮和肉中同工酶种类不同;皮中POD同工酶由5个单体和4个二聚体组成,而肉中由5个二聚体或2个单体、2个二聚体和1个四聚体组成,均以酸性同工酶为主;组化定位显示POD主要分布在肉质根的周皮、形成层、木射线、木质部导管和肉的初生木质部等的细胞壁附近。

The reseach on activity changes of SOD, POD and CAT during the somatic embryogenesis of Y35 showed:(1) The activty of SOD was from 52.98 to 133.20 U·g-1·h-1, and remained a rising trend after early single embryo forming, this revealed that SOD might be positively correlated to the differentiation of embryogenic cell and the development of somatic embryo.(2) The activty of POD was from 0.05 to 0.50 U·mg-1·min-1, ascended firstly and desceded later, and was highest in embryogenic callus and lowest in late single embryo , this revealed that POD might be positively correlated to the division and differentiation of proembryo mass, while negatively correlated to the development of PEMⅢto late single embryo.(3) The activty of CAT was from 0.86 to 2.81 U·mg-1·min-1, showed an up-down-up trend, reaching to the highest peak at the time of early embryo formating and decreasing to the lowest at the time of early cotyledonary embryo formating, this revealed that CAT might be positively correlated to the development of early single embryo, while negatively correlated to the formation of middle single embryo and early cotyledonary embryo.The changes in activty of SOD, POD and CAT indicated these three antioxidant enzymes coregulated the differentiation and development of embryogenic cells during Larix somatic embryogenesis.4. Differentially expressed cDNA libraries of the stages of proembryo mass and somatic embryo maturation were successfully constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization.

对Y35体细胞胚胎发生过程中抗氧化酶活性变化的研究显示:(1)SOD活性在52.98~133.20 U·g-1·h-1之间,并在早期单胚形成后一直保持上升的趋势,表明其与胚性细胞的分化及体细胞胚的发育均具呈正相关;(2)POD活性在0.05~0.50 U·mg-1·min-1之间,呈现出先下降后升高的趋势,在胚性愈伤组织中最高,而在后期单胚形成时降至最低,表明其与原胚团的分裂和分化呈正相关,但与PEMⅢ向后期单胚的发育呈负相关;(3)CAT活性在0.86~2.81 U·mg-1·min-1之间,表现出升-降-升的变化趋势,在早期单胚形成时升至最高,在早期子叶胚形成时降至最低,表明其与早期单胚的发育呈正相关,而与中期单胚和早期子叶胚的发育呈负相关。

更多网络解释 与pod相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这种设备已由QinetiQ公司研制了几年,它是一个从潜艇投放的通信吊舱(pod),可浮在海面上,通过一条极长的光纤与母艇链接. 这样,潜艇可保持在深潜位置上,通过卫星与水面和空中平台进行高带宽通信. 从而使潜艇作为作战网络中名符其实的成员.


所以现在用不到;又可隐约看到黄金权 杖被蜘蛛网包著;于是先将果酱往大蜘蛛身上丢,接著把火烬(Ember)放在昆虫的巢(Hive)上,那群愤怒的昆虫会将大蜘蛛叮死;接著要做的事,用剪刀 剪开荚(Pod),拿到权杖后,再察看一下四周,


爱车人士常把车子当成自己的"另一半",但不论他们付出多少"感情",车子总是冷冰冰没有回应. 现在,日本丰田和索尼公司已联合开发一种称为"豆荚"(pod)的概念车,它能显示自己的喜怒哀乐,更能与车主进行互动,好个"靓车知我心".


尽管过氧化氢仍是对机体有害的活性 氧,但体内 6性极强的过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧 化物酶(POD)会立即将其分解为完全无害的水. 这样,三种酶便组成了一个完整的防氧链条.

pod:abbr. precision orbit determination; 精密定轨

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