英语人>词典>英汉 : playdate的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

playdate ['pleideit]



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We'll just have to arrange for another playdate.


If Juanita doesn't get her playdate, You're not getting yours.

如果 Juanita 找不到玩伴,你也别想我陪你。

I found Friday Playdate after a nice reader mentioned The Happiness Project in the comments section.

在评论区的一位好心读者的提醒下,我发现了Friday Playdate网站。

He holds it up to his ear and pretends he's making an important business call or arranging a playdate with his best friend.


Or your child's best friend, the one who showed up for a playdate with a runny nose and a short supply of tissues.


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更多网络解释与playdate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Playdate Fun:游戏乐 欢快英文儿歌 附歌词

⒁ Baby Mozart 2 小小莫扎特 2 | ⒂ Playdate Fun 游戏乐 欢快英文儿歌 附歌词 | ⒃ Sing and Play 唱和玩 欢快英文儿歌 附歌词

She's Too Sick To Come To Your Playdate. Put Her On The Phone:她病得很厉害 不能去跟你约会了 - 让她接电话

But You Sound Just Like This Jackass We Know. Serena Has Food... | She's Too Sick To Come To Your Playdate. Put Her On The Phone.|- 她病得很厉害 不能去跟你约会了 - 让她接电话 | The Bathroom Doesn't Get...