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The lineal regression analysis of chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel plat...


Well, I was one of those eq2 plat fools.


With rapid development of the Internet technology,traditional markets are replacde by network plat.


There is an empty plat in this house.


The research results will provide a basis for the construction of a database plat and information sharing.


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更多网络解释与plat.相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Langres Plat. De:朗格爾高原

朗格尔 Langres | 朗格尔高原 Langres Plat. De | 朗沙 Langsa

Bell., Ars., Plat:害怕或恐懼死亡

容易悲傷、哭泣、憂鬱:Ars., Aur., Bell., Ign., Puls., Verat. Alb., Nux V., Plat., Lach., Canth., Phos..... | 害怕或恐懼死亡:Bell., Ars., Plat.. | 有佔有的想法: Opi., Puls., Bell., Ars., Plat., Ign., Lach...

Ars., Plat., Hep., Sulp., Merc., China., Bell., Hyos:殺人的衝動

淫蕩的衝動: Nux.V., Plat., Phos., Canth., Sulp., Verat. Alb.; | 殺人的衝動: Ars., Plat., Hep., Sulp., Merc., China., Bell., Hyos.; | 自殺的衝動: Nux. V., Ars., Merc., China.;

Acon. N., Phos. Acid, Plat., Verat. Alb:容易有跳舞或唱歌的衝動

容易爭執或爭吵:Acon. N., Camph., Plat., Nux V.. | 容易有跳舞或唱歌的衝動:Acon. N., Phos. Acid, Plat., Verat. Alb.. | 打、咬或打架的衝動:Bell.,Opi., Verat. Alb., Lach..

Opi., Puls., Bell., Ars., Plat., Ign., Lach:有佔有的想法

害怕或恐懼死亡:Bell., Ars., Plat.. | 有佔有的想法: Opi., Puls., Bell., Ars., Plat., Ign., Lach. | 淫蕩的衝動: Nux.V., Plat., Phos., Canth., Sulp., Verat. Alb.;

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