英语人>词典>英汉 : plant food的中文,翻译,解释,例句
plant food的中文,翻译,解释,例句

plant food

plant food的基本解释

植物养料, 肥料

更多网络例句与plant food相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The food of the plant is different from that of animals.


2 To 3 years working experience in a food plant.


Here then , you see in what ways the food of the plant is different form that of animals.


Compared with meat and plant food is a more stable source of food.


This was very bad timing as the Pilgrims did not have time to plant food for the winter.


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更多网络解释与plant food相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

plant food:肥料

往上走进赫伯的小屋,拿走植物肥料(Plant Food)、烧瓶和小板凳. 离开赫伯的木屋回到三叉路口. 再向西走到流沙地,这里有个水池,池中间有把钥匙. 推倒那棵被人劈了一半的大树,就可拿到池中央的那把骷髅钥匙. 拿到钥匙后向东走到泻湖,

plant food:植物性食物

plant ecology 植物生態學 | plant food 植物性食物 | plant formation 植物群系

plant food:植物养分

plant fiber 植物纤维 | plant food 植物养分 | plant formation 群系

plant food:养分

fertilizer 肥料 | plant food 养分 | inata-grow formula生长因子

available plant food:有效植物养料

centesimal circle graduation 圆圈百分分度, 百分分度 | available plant food 有效植物养料 | power mapping 幂映射

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