英语人>词典>英汉 : place on的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
place on的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

place on

place on的基本解释

把…放在…上, 把…强加于…, 重视, 着眼于

更多网络例句与place on相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apart from meet eight development goals be available to sb. look sth. up in a dictionary / on a website express one's opinion be meant to do sth . a successful businesswoman on behalf of work in remote places be connected to / with specialized agencies loan money to sb. set a standard for aim to sth. eliminate problems can't afford expense be lack of recommend doing sth. break down basic equipment force sb. to do sth. farm the land suffer from malnutrition be in chaos be in a mess put on weight look out for be concerned about/for get hold of remind sb. of sth remind sb. to do sth. communicate with sb. think back to be proud of = take pride in make a difference put sth.

into action from place to place die from if only in honour of on purpose 除了达到八个发展目标可以得到在字典里/网上查找表达某人的观点打算做某事一位成功的女商人作为…的代表在偏远地区工作与…有联系专业机构贷钱给某人为…确立标准目标是消除问题付不起费用缺少建议做某事出故障;抛锚基本设备强迫某人做某事种地遭受营养不良处于混乱状态乱七八糟增肥当心担心抓住让人想起提醒某人做某事和某人交流回想以…为豪发生改变使某事开始实施从一地到另一地死于只要为了表示对某人的尊敬/为了纪念某人故意的 18

The first "Oktoberfest" took place in Munich, on October 12, 1810: For the commemoration of their marriage, Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen (namesake of the Theresienwiese festival grounds) organized a great horse race (the marriage took place on October 12; the horse race on October 17 - therefore, there are different dates named as being the first Oktoberfest).

第一 " Oktoberfest"在慕尼黑发生了,在 1810 年十月 12 日:对于他们的 Saxe-Hildburghausen(Theresienwiese 节日的理由同名的人)的婚姻、皇太子路得维希(第一较迟的路得维希国王)和 Therese 公主的纪念组织了一个很棒的马比赛。(婚姻在十月 12 日发生了;马比赛在十月 17 日-因此,当作为第一 Oktoberfest 的时候,有不同的日期被命名

Make the best of make a decision make a difference between make a difference to make an exception of make no exception make one's farewell make fashion make a fortune make friends make inquiries of sb. about sth. make preparations against make preparations for make mention of make up one's mind make a point make a promise make a reduction make references to make a response to make satisfaction for make /offer resistance to make sense make talk make way make trouble make use of obstacle to pay regard to pay attention to place an order for sth. with present a striking contrast between put / bring / carry into effect play a joke on sb. play a role in play a trick on sb.

to shame put / place / lay stress on/upon put to use reaction to recovery from resist temptation run / take a risk 向某人道歉充分利用决定区别对待使-----产生变化把-----作为例外不容许有例外告别,道别做做样子发财交朋友向----某人询问某事为防止-----做准备为-----做准备提及,谈到下决心立论,证明论点许诺减少提到对----做出答复补偿抵御,抵抗讲得通,言之有理聊天,闲谈让路,腾出地方找麻烦,闹事利用是----的障碍重视注意向------订购某物使两者形成明显的对比实行,使起作用开某人的玩笑在-----中扮演角色,起作用作弄某人扮演----的角色实施,实行羞辱某人把重点放在---使用对-----的反应从-----中恢复抵制诱惑冒险知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

更多网络解释与place on相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

impose...on, exert ...on, put ...on, place...on:强加(动词)

影响(名词):Influence, impact, effect | 强加(动词): impose...on, exert ...on, put ...on, place...on | 明显的(形容词):Clear, obvious, evident, manifest, apparent

place on record:记录在案

placard 标语牌 | place on record 记录在案 | planning committee 策划委员会

Dude, the jungle is the most|peaceful place on the planet:伙计 丛林是地球上最安全的地方

Aren't you nervous out here|in the jungle? It's kind of dang... | Dude, the jungle is the most|peaceful place on the planet.|伙计 丛林是地球上最安全的地方 | - Hold it steady.|- This is a dream come tru...