英语人>词典>英汉 : place of origin的中文,翻译,解释,例句
place of origin的中文,翻译,解释,例句

place of origin

place of origin的基本解释

起运地点, 原产地, 发祥地, 策源地

更多网络例句与place of origin相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 12 Article 16 of the Trademark Law shall be applicable to the circumstance of using a geographical mark in the ownership of other registrant as the collective mark or certification mark of wine, or ardent spirits, of which the place of origin is not the region indicated by the geographic mark, even if the actual place of origin is indicated as well, or it uses translated words, or it is accompanied by words of "kind","type","pattern", or "category" and other descriptions.


The customs shall, within 150 days after it receives a written application for predetermining the place of origin and the complete set of necessary materials, make a decision of the predetermination of the place of origin of the import goods, and shall announce the decision to the public.


Article 12 Prior to the entry of import goods, the consignee of import goods or any other direct party concerned with a justifiable reason may file a written application to the customs for predetermining the place of origin of the goods to be imported. The applicant shall offer the customs necessarymaterials so as to predetermine the place of origin.


更多网络解释与place of origin相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

telecommuting workers:远程办公的员工

原产地保护protection of place of origin | 远程办公的员工telecommuting workers | 远程教育distance learning


34 创作室 Studio | 35 剧团/艺术团 Troupe | 1 产地 Place of Production/Place of Origin

Householder of Head of household:户主

会计师事务所----Certified Public Accountants or Certified Public Accountant Office | 户主---Householder of Head of household | 籍贯--Native place or Origin native place