英语人>词典>英汉 : pigeonholed的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[变形] pigeonhole的过去分词


分类架, 鸽棚, 鸽子出入孔, 粗略分类, 鸽棚般的小房间


分类, 归档, 把...束之高阁

更多网络例句与pigeonholed相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't want to be pigeonholed as an Arab or a student.


Depersonalization makes it easier for people to accept negative stereotypes, pigeonholed, and, in the extreme, tolerate abuse and persecution of the people who have been depersonalized.


He is, after all, merely a frustrated, pigeonholed writer, and the depth of his readers' letters far exceed his platitudinous greeting-card sentiments.

他毕竟,仅仅是一个挫折, pigeonholed作家和深度,他的读者来信远远超过他的陈词滥调问候卡情绪。

The KGB pigeonholed his report and reprimanded him for denigrating a brother officer.


Depersonalization makes it easier for people to accept negative stereotypes, pigeonholed, and, in the extreme, tolerate abuse and persecution of the people who have been depersonalized.


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更多网络解释与pigeonholed相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pigeonhole, pigeonholed:束缚

pan out实现 | pigeonhole, pigeonholed束缚 | wrestler摔跤手

pigeonholed wall:蜂窝墙

pigeon-toed ==> 内八字脚 | pigeonholed wall ==> 蜂窝墙 | piggy back system ==> 背负式运输法

pigeonholed shelving unit:鸽笼式文件架

pigeon pea;木豆;; | pigeonholed shelving unit;鸽笼式文件架;; | pigmeat;猪肉;;

i don`t want to get pigeonholed:我不想被人放在一边束之高阁

it would be nice to take a shot for leading man every now and again.时不时给那些正面人物来那... | i don't want to get pigeonholed我不想被人放在一边束之高阁 | I think you are totally refreshing我认为你令...

I don't really like being pigeonholed into one:[但我不喜欢被归于此类

I mean,I guess you could call me a physicist. [我... | I don't really like being pigeonholed into one-- [但我不喜欢被归于此类...] | dan,I swear to god,you say one more word,I'm gonna break your fingers....

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