pigeon ['pidʒin]
- pigeon的基本解释
- A pigeon was cooing up in one of the elms.
- 一只鸽子在榆树上咕咕地叫。
- He was a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game.
- 他上当受骗了。
- 相似词
- Pigeon
- 拼写相近单词
- pigeonable
- pigeonberry
- pigeoned
- pigeoner
- pigeongram
- pigeonhearted
- pigeonhole
- pigeonholed
- pigeonholes
- pigeonholing
- pigeon所属的单词分类
Animal / 动物
woolly rhinoceros · woolly mammoth · woolly bear caterpillar · wild cat · western meadowlark · Umbrellabird · Treefrog · thresher shark · Swallowtail Butterfly · spiny lizard
Bird / 鸟
Whip-Poor-Will · western meadowlark · Waterthrush · Umbrellabird · Scrub jay · roseate spoonbill · Oropendola · marbled murrelet · Mallard duck · kildeer
- 更多 网络例句 与pigeon相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
He will usually start off with a 'normal' pigeon, and the hosts will request him to mimic a pigeon under different situations, such as a crying pigeon, a laughing-out-loud pigeon, or even a pigeon on the verge of sprouting vulgarities.
But the man became a pigeon son to not only fly, process finally flew back for fly of two dayses, fly to village of time he saw him a beloved woman, just ratio past distressed a lot of, he diligently want to fly to chemisette nearby, but more near more see not pure chemisette face, be he fly to chemisette front of, woman disappear, at he at present but is a tree, on the leaf that is from this tree branch fall in the every drop Ta water bead of the Ta, elephant that spring the continuing light drizzle of the sort, water bead dozen wet snow-white pigeon son, but the pigeon son still keep strongly and without intermission looking for his beloved woman, see that mythic fungus grass will floating about, pigeon son any further have no some energy, he fall on the tree branch of this tree and surround on all sides, suddenly he shout loudly 1, a thing with red Xing drop down from the tree, at it fall in of place, long a small tree, but the pigeon son so and forever stop at tree up, expect of look in the eyes' being clear be long separation waiting for, looking for of lover.
The match pigeon is the folk organization, will command by Chinese Carrier pigeon Association, the Chinese match pigeon in the near future, will command the world match pigeon tidal current.
- 更多网络解释 与pigeon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
但因为只有新泽西州的茅蒙斯堡垒同时有影片制作及鸽子训练二个中心,因此我们预测,这是我们的终点站. 为什么陆军会把富有魅力的好莱坞小夥子跟养鸽子的人混在一起?我们百思不解,最后找到一个简单的答案,摄影(Photography)与鸽子(Pigeon)二个字都是以P开头.
一般体形较小而尾长者称为鸠(dove),大型种类则称为鸽(pigeon),不过鸠与鸽常可换用,俗名并不代表其分类的亲缘关系. 经意 :鸽在>中最重要的象征意义就是生命. 游戏玩家论坛 > BT贴图 > 鸽子象征着什么.?
品牌故事: 贝亲(Pigeon)是来自日本的婴儿用品品牌. 1949年,公司以贝亲Pigeon命名,贝亲Pigeon是"鸽子"的意思 ,而鸽子是和平的象征,蕴涵了贝亲Pigeon祝愿婴儿们茁壮成长、社会和平、繁荣的热切愿望.
pig,ne 猪 | pigeon 野鸽 | piglet, shoat 年幼的猪
Pigeon blue:鸽蓝色
5013 Cobalt blue 钴蓝色 | 5014 Pigeon blue 鸽蓝色 | 5015 Sky blue 天蓝色
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