英语人>词典>英汉 : piece out的中文,翻译,解释,例句
piece out的中文,翻译,解释,例句

piece out

piece out的基本解释


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Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches.

割掉是以3 英寸的3 英寸的一张纸。

I've chip ped a piece out of your table, I'm sorry.


I've chipped a piece out of your table, I'm afraid.


They were engaged to carry out an important piece of research.


You're coming out in one piece, you hear me?


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更多网络解释与piece out相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

piece out:把...串连起来 接长, 加长

piece on 合上; 贴上; 接上 [方]吃零食 | piece out 把...串连起来 接长, 加长 | piece together 拼凑

piece out:使完整, 使成整体

piece of work 作品, 产品, 贬人 | piece out 使完整, 使成整体 | piece together 拼凑

piece out:补足,完成

piece in ...插入;添加 | piece out ...补足,完成 | place in ...被放入...中

they carved out a piece:他们在开辟公园之时

BROWN: Yeah, from what I hear|没错,我听说... | they carved out a piece|他们在开辟公园之时 | of this valley when they made the park.|影响了山谷这块

Cutting out last piece of bowel:切下一片肠

Hey, wanna see if your client's actually made of money?|嘿 想看看你的客户有多少油水吗? | Cutting out last piece of bowel.|切下一片肠 | Suture.|缝合

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