photolithography [,fəutəuli'θɔgrəfi]
- photolithography的基本解释
影印石版术, 照相平版
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Another approach in enhancing the light extraction efficiency of AlGaInP LED was accomplished using a surface roughening process. In this process, the Au(170 nm)/AuBe(260 nm)/Au(170 nm) ohmic contact layers were first deposited on the GaP window layer. After the alloy annealing process (480°C for 10 min), the Be atoms will diffuse into the GaP top layer and form non-uniform clusters. The LED samples were then immersed into a mixture 3H3PO4:1H2O2:1H2O solution for 6 min, resulting in a rough GaP surface. The luminous intensity of the AlGaInP LED can increase from 42 to 50 mcd, that is, an 18% enhancement can be achieved via the present non-photolithography surface roughening process.Keywords: LED, AlGaInP, Cu substrate, Reflector, Surface roughening
在实验的第二部份是开发磷化镓窗口层之粗化制程,我们是藉由正面金/铍欧姆接触电极之熔合制程,使铍扩散至磷化镓层,同时利用铍渗入磷化镓造成之特殊组成,可形成不均匀之蚀刻阻挡,而在磷化镓表面形成粗化,我们发现480℃、10分钟的熔合制程,加上浸泡磷化镓蚀刻溶液6分钟,可将四元发光二极体之发光亮度由42 mcd 提升到50 mcd,经由此无光罩粗化制程可将亮度提升18%,明显提升磷化铝铟镓发光二极体之外部量子效率。
The electroplated ferronickel shutter is suspended by a silicon spring The shutter is fabricated by the nonsilicon surface micromachining techniques. The planar coil is fabricated by high-aspect-ratio photolithography and mask-plating processes. And the silicon spring and the fiber alignment components are fabricated by the reactive ion etching and by the silicon anisotropic etching process.
The physical mechanism of pupil filleting to improve the photolithography resolution is discussed and several experimental results are given.
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微小化及平行化的形成式制成晶片,三者中以基因晶片技术最为成熟.基因晶片依DNA样品制备的方式不同又可分为数种.第一种是Affymetrix公司研发出的光学光刻法(photolithography)与化学合成法相结合的光引导原位合成法(light-directed synthesis),
即用制作电晶体或积体线路等所需之标准影印石版术(photolithography)制成. 在按照需要所选定之材料上,依所欲的方向予以割切. 然后加以磨平,使成平滑的基板. 磨平的程度视需要而定. 一般说来,元件之频率愈高,基板表面之容许粗糙程度(roughness)愈小.
传统制作印刷电路板(PCB)主要是利用网版印刷(screen printing)及照相平版印刷(photolithography)方式,这两种制程方式价格及解析度上虽可符合需求,但往往需依照客户需求的产品特性来微调生产的流程,故调控提高产能利用率并确保交期顺畅与弹性,
在半导体或LCD制造过程中,光刻(photolithography)是最关键也是最困难的步骤. 光阻剂、蚀刻液与显影液需透过旋转喷涂/浸渍喷涂方式,才可以在晶圆与玻璃基板面板上完成制造(fabrication). 面对强酸碱化学物质与高温等极为严苛的制造环境,
contact photolithography:接触光蚀刻
contact pad 接触点 | contact photolithography 接触光蚀刻 | contact potential 接触电势
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