英语人>词典>英汉 : philosopher's stone的中文,翻译,解释,例句
philosopher's stone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

philosopher's stone

philosopher's stone的基本解释


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If you know to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone.


So that you can find the philosopher's stone of love, and become gold.


And he seeks the Philosopher's Stone.


The bad news is that, in our opinion, we will never find the philosopher's stone.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in June 1997 and achieved almost instant success.


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Philosopher's Stone:魔法石

因而有炼金术(alchemy)的诞生,他们不断寻找所谓的魔法石(philosopher's stone),并且相信物质只要与魔法石接触就能转变. 一些中世纪的清真教徒(Muslims)被认为是最早期的化学家,他们发展出精确的观察、控制实验的方法并因此发现了无数的化学物质.

Philosopher's Stone:石

中世纪的炼金士也把提炼出来的物质称之为"哲学家之石"(Philosopher's Stone)它是精粹、坚定、保卫与抗拒的象征. 直到晚年,荣格都不情愿出版自传之类的东西,尽管全世界有那么多的读者希望能够看到他的回忆录. 荣格始终强调,他想说的话已经在20卷左右的集子里,

Philosopher's Stone:点金石; 灵丹妙药, 法宝

mark sth. with a white stone (古罗马人用白垩在日历上把幸福的日子打上记号, 转义为)作为喜庆的日子大书特... | philosopher's stone 点金石; 灵丹妙药, 法宝 | rolling stone 喜欢改换职业、住处等的人; 见异思迁的人

Philosopher's Stone:哲人之石,点金石,魔法石

7. make an agreement 达成协议,达成共识 | 8. philosopher's stone 哲人之石,点金石,魔法石 | 9. give thoughts to 考虑,思考

The Philosopher's Stone:哲学家的石头,点金石

95. 1858 The Races 比赛 | 96. 1859 The Philosopher's Stone 哲学家的石头,点金石, | 97. 1859 The Story of the Wind 风的故事

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