英语人>词典>英汉 : phenylamine的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

phenylamine [,fenəl'æmi:n]



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In order to obtained the six-membered ring compound and a thorough assignment of the spectra, and further to prove that the six-membered ring compound was formed from the hydrogen transfer, the compound N-butyl-4-(N-methylphenylamino)-5-amino- 1, 8-naphthalimide 6 was designed to obtained with N-butyl-4-bromo-5-amino-1, 8-naphthalimide and N-methyl phenylamine as the starting material. However it was difficult to obtain the desired product as the different solvent giving the different products except the desired product.


The synthetic organic chemicals, such as phenol, m cresol, phloroglucinol, phenylamine, 3,5 xylenol, p tertiary butyl phenol, nitrobenzene, tert butanol and chloral were oxidized in supercritical water system.

研究了超临界水氧化系统中合成有机化学品,如酚、间苯三酚、对叔丁基酚、间甲酚、3 ,5-二甲酚、苯胺、硝基苯、叔丁醇、三氯乙醛等的氧化作用。

After the diazotization ,2-aminophenol-4-(2-'carboxy)sulfanil phenylamine was coupled with acetoacetanilide,2-naphthol,1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone,1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid,separately to get the different diazotized compounds,then complexed with potassium chromium sulfate or cobaltous chloride to obtain the yellow,orange,red,purple,blue and other colour dyestuffs.


Synonyms: Aniline oil; Aminobenzene; Phenylamine


Using phenylamine and acetic acid as raw materials,cyclohexane and toluene-p-sulfonic acid as dehydration and catalyst respectively.


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phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸 | phenylamine 苯胺 | phenylbenzene 联 苯


200 N-乙基环己胺 N-Ethylcyclohexylamine 5459-93-8 | 201 苯胺,也称阿尼林油 Phenylamine 62-53-3 | 202 N-苯甲酰替苯胺 Benzanilide 93-98-1

phenylamine; aniline:苯胺;胺苯

苯硫酸;硫酸氢苯酯 phenyl sulfuric acid; phenyl hydrogen sulfate | 苯胺;胺苯 phenylamine; aniline | 苯胂酸 phenylarsonic acid

phenylamine hydrochloride:氫氯化苯胺,苯胺氫氯酸鹽

phenylamine苯胺 | phenylamine hydrochloride氫氯化苯胺,苯胺氫氯酸鹽 | phenylammonium chloride氯化苯銨

Phenylamine and diazotization:(苯胺和重氮化作用)

28.3 Aromatic amines(芳族胺) | 28.4 Phenylamine and diazotization(苯胺和重氮化作用) | 28.5 Amino acids(氨基酸)