英语人>词典>英汉 : phase angle的中文,翻译,解释,例句
phase angle的中文,翻译,解释,例句

phase angle

phase angle的基本解释

[计] 相位角

更多网络例句与phase angle相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper describes a kind of solution which is base on phase angle through software.


The method of on-line measuring the phase shift angle is also studie...


It is the first time thatthe interference phase angle is larger than 90°has been observed experimentally.


A new method for visualization measurement of interface phase thickness and contact angle for liquid-liquid system was put forward.


The new method is based on the approximate expression of phase angle in terms of ray angle.


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更多网络解释与phase angle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

phase angle:相角

信号调变的方式,依高频载波变化的基本特性,可分成振幅(Amplitude)调变,频率(Frequency)调变与相角(Phase Angle)调变等三种变化,当载波振幅大小随调变讯号值变动而变化时称之为振幅调变.载波讯号被调变的程度称为调变率,

phase angle:相位角

*相位角(phase angle) 用于衡量音箱的阻抗带有多少感抗和容抗的尺度. *唱头放大器(phono amplifier) 因LP电唱盘的唱头所输出的信号电平比CD唱机和磁带录音机的输出为低,因此,需要加一级带有RIAA均衡的高增益前级放大器(唱头放大器).

phase angle:相位

TC5E热流道温度控制器在硬件方面,配备有自动侦测电源频率回路,可适应中港或美加等不同电源环境;带相位(Phase Angle)或相位零激活(Zero Cross)触发电路可减少不必要的干扰;低损耗节能和热量的双Thyristor输出电路无断精确±0.25%FS控制;

phase angle:位相角

phase advancer 進相機 | phase angle 位相角 | phase angle between voltage and current 電圧?電流位相差

phase angle error:相角误差

commercial capitalism 商业资本主义 | phase angle error 相角误差 | lower camber 下弦 下部弯曲

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