英语人>词典>英汉 : permissioned的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与permissioned相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You then use the System Permissioned task manager to kill that program and quickly delete the file being locked by it.


The path module enables appropriately permissioned users to specify an optional alias in all node input and editing forms, and provides an interface to view and edit all URL aliases.

path 模组可以让有权限的使用者在所有的文章输入与编辑表单中,指定一个选择性的别名,显示且提供一个介面来检视与编辑所有的网址别名。

Deng Ken of president of China of BDA of advisory company of science and technology thinks, to a lot of China companies, overseas appears on the market still is the choice that has appeal most, its are main the reason depends on overseas market more advanced and the commercial pattern that investor can understand these businesses better, he expresses: Unless China can offer better alternative, I think manner of deal with concrete matters relating to work will still hold a dominant position, chinese company appears on the market overseas be permissioned.


The administration of reservation be permissioned permits project and administration to examine and approve a project, started with " compact flow content, optimize flow course, improve flow efficiency, strengthen flow to superintend, ensure flow unobstructed " the flow give somebody a new lease on life that is a principle.
