pepper ['pepə]
- pepper的基本解释
- I bought some green peppers for the salad.
- 我买了些青辣椒做沙拉。
- There was plenty of pepper left in the old man.
- 这老人仍然精力充沛。
- 相似词
- 与pepper相关的词组
- take pepper in the nose:勃然大怒
- 相关歌词
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band
- Gal Yu A Pepper
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / The End
- 拼写相近单词
- pepped
- pepperbox
- peppercorn
- peppercorns
- peppered
- pepperer
- pepperers
- peppergrass
- pepperidge
- peppering
- pepper所属的单词分类
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- 更多 网络例句 与pepper相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Following the Company production machinery and auxiliary equipment Pepper: Pepper machine, pepper Quzi machines, pepper grinder, pepper milling machines, four rolls of broken machines, hot pepper paste mixer, vibration classification screen, the subhead of pepper , Pepper retreat iron machines, pepper conveyor, conveyor wind, pepper Qiesi machine, cut circle of pepper, chili cut of the machine, dryer pepper, chili Da Baoji, fan, closed stainless steel containers, such as wind.
Hunan Liu Yupei: The Hunan cuisine "hundred change" the red pepper Does the red pepper by the long angular hot pepper (line hot pepper, two catty strip hot pepper to be possible) to be made,"the gongbao chicken","the hot pepper pig's intestines","the hand rips the cabbage","to cook in soy the cucumber" and so on vegetable general uses is this kind does the hot pepper, use time needs to fry the fragrance in the oil, the cardinal principle process is first: The pot puts the bottom oil to burn to 30% heat, drains the hot pepper, the salt, the flame fries the fragrance to assume to the hot pepper seal brown, under enters raw material again.
The changes of capcaicin in pepper fruit were studied by eight breed from three facets which involved planting condition, fruit development and storage time. The examination breed included No.6 Zhong pepper, No.7 Liao pepper, Japan upturned pepper, Shouguang sheep-horn flavicant pepper, hawk upturned pepper, Yi Du red, No.16 Bian pepper and Qie Men pimento.
- 更多网络解释 与pepper相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
在餐馆吃饭,让人递过"胡椒"(pepper) 别人传给我的却是一片餐巾纸(paper). 买烧鸡(chicken)变成了买kitchen(厨房),...
猫一眼就看见荆棘后的的红辣椒(pepper)和树上的坚果(nuts),猫的视力好. 让德鲁去拿红辣椒,荆棘扎手拿不到. 树上的坚果更不能指望德鲁,电流小子--上!电流小子勇敢地爬了上去,但不幸地被捍卫自己财产的松鼠打的鼻青脸肿轰了下去.
酥皮丝 (shredded dough) 约180g白胡椒粉 (pepper) 少许面粉 (all purpose flour) 半杯盐 (salt) 少许) 酥皮丝(shredded dough )拆开包装后,要隔着蜡纸盖一张湿的厨纸,否则干了以后很容易断裂;
(4)辣椒粉(PEPPER)日本称做『唐辛子』,其刺激主要在於增加舌头的热感. (5)蒜(GARLIC)广为一般所使用的调味料. (6)芥末(MUSTARD)日语称做『辛子』(KARASHI),大致可分为黑芥末、白芥末及芥末三种. (7)莳萝子(DILL)具独特香味.
Green Pepper:青椒
类似的还有"红茶"(black tea)、"黑面包"(brown bread)、"青椒"(green pepper)、"青天"(blue sky)、"青布"(black cloth)等. 可见,汉语颜色词有很大的模糊性,同一种颜色常会随着环境和心境发生主观"色变",而英语一般能客观如实地反映事物的"本色".
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