英语人>词典>英汉 : pentanoic acid的中文,翻译,解释,例句
pentanoic acid的中文,翻译,解释,例句

pentanoic acid

pentanoic acid的基本解释


更多网络例句与pentanoic acid相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to research the relations of carbon sources to structure of PHAs, six kinds of PHAs sample were synthesized by activated sludge with six different carbon sources respectively in the aerobic-anaerobic-anoxic process. Their structures were determined by 〓HNMR、〓CNMR and GC-MS. When the carbon source was acetate, the unit composition of PHAs was 93. 91mol% 3-hydroxybutanoic acid and 6. 09mol% 3-hydroxypentanoic acid ; When the carbon source was propionate, the unit composition of PHAs was 28. 66mol% HB, 63. 13mol%HV, 2. 55mol% 2-methy-3-hydroxy-butanoic acid (2MHB) and 5. 66mol% 2-methyl-3-hydroxypentanoic acid (2MHV); When the carbon source was 80% butyrate and 20% 1, 4-butanediol, the unit composition of PHAs was 65. 03mol% HB, 28. 06mol%HV, 1. 91mol%2MHB, 2. 69mol% 2MHV, 0.73mol% 4-hydroxy butanoic acid (4HB), 0.78mol% 4-methyl-3-hydroxy-pentanoic acid (4MHV), 0.80mol% 3-hydroxyhexanoic acid ; When the carbon source was 20% butyrate and 80% 1, 4-butanediol, the unit composition of PHAs was 61. 39mol% HB, 23. 01mol%HV, 4. 58mol%2MHB, 5. 97mol% 2MHV, 0.91mol% 4HB, 2. 37mol% 4MHV, 1. 77mol% HHx; When the carbon source was 60% pentanoate and 40%glucose, the unit composition of PHAs was 41. 24mol% HB, 58. 76mol%HV; When the carbon source was 60% benzoate and 40% glucose, the unit composition of PHAs was 65. 48mol% HB and 34. 52mol% HV.

为了研究不同碳源与产物PHAs结构的关系,采用好氧-厌氧-缺氧模式利用6种不同碳源培养活性污泥得到6种不同的PHAs样品,通过〓HNMR、〓CNMR和GC-MS谱图确定了这6种PHAs的单体成分和比例:以乙酸钠培养活性污泥得到的PHAs的单体组成是93.91mol%3-羟基丁酸和6.09mol%3-羟基戊酸;以丙酸钠培养活性污泥得到的PHAs的单体组成除28.66mol%HB、63.13mol%HV外,另外还有2.55mol%3-羟基2-甲基丁酸(2MHB)和5.66mol%3-羟基2-甲基戊酸(2MHV);以80%丁酸钠和20%1,4-丁二醇混合溶液培养活性污泥得到的PHAs含有七种单体组成:65.03mol%HB,28.06mol%HV,1.91mol%2MHB,2.69mol%2MHV,0.73mol%4-HB(4-羟基丁酸),0.78mol%4MHV(3-羟基-4-甲基戊酸),0.80%HHx(3-羟基己酸);以20%丁酸钠和80%1,4-丁二醇培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs含有与3#样品相同的七种单体,只是比例不同,分别是61.39mol%,23.01mol%,4.58mol%,5.97mol%,0.91mol%,2.37mol%,1.77mol%;以60%戊酸钠和40%葡萄糖培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs由HB和HV组成,比例是41.24 mol%∶58.76 mol%;以60%苯甲酸钠和40%葡萄糖培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs也由HB和HV组成,比例是65.48 mol%∶34.52 mol%。

According to the graph of adsorption speed, a conclusion can be drawn that formic acid and acetic acid are fixed on the resin with multimolecular adsorption while propanoic acid and pentanoic acid are carried by monomolecular adsorption.


There were ten compounds gave the large contribution on the flavor of milk fat,they were octanal,2-nononone,ethyl carpylate,butanoic-acid,pentanoic acid,2-tridecanone,hexanoic acid,heptanioc acid,octanioc acid(flower-like,a little winey)and an unknown compound.


更多网络解释与pentanoic acid相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

valeric acid, pentanoic acid:戊酸

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pentanoic acid; valeric acid:戊酸;缬草酸

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n-valeric acid; valeric acid; pentanoic acid:正戊酸;缬草酸;戊酸

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