英语人>词典>英汉 : passive immunity的中文,翻译,解释,例句
passive immunity的中文,翻译,解释,例句

passive immunity

passive immunity的基本解释

[医] 被动免疫

更多网络例句与passive immunity相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The use of passive and active immunity to reduce the risk of vertical transmission of hepatitis B is well accepted in clinical practice.


Both the passive transformation and active immunity of MS1-5 are effective in mediating protection on imunlzed mice.


Prevention of Hepatitis B 预防乙肝 The use of passive and active immunity to reduce the risk of vertical transmission of hepatitis B is well accepted in clinical practice.


Hanson L Breastfeeding provides passive and likely longlasting active immunity Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology , 1998,null

杨倩%练高建%黄国庆%陈杰半胱胺对鸡小肠粘膜中分泌型IgA细胞和上皮内淋巴细胞的影响南京农业大学学报, 2002,2

If pregnant woman contacted nettle rash patient, the placental globulin of large dose of inject of 5 days of a person operating from within in coordination with outside forces, undertake passive immunity.


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更多网络解释与passive immunity相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

passive immunity:被动免疫

除前述之主动免疫(active immunity),被动免疫(passive immunity)则是抗体经血液或血清之被动转移,或经由胎盘(对灵长类而言)、初乳或母乳而由母体转移至子代.

passive immunity:被动免疫性

"被动过敏性","Passive anaphylaxis" | "被动免疫性","Passive immunity" | "被动免疫法","Passive immunization"

passive immunity:浓度

pphm浓度 parts per million concentration | ppm浓度 passive immunity | 被动免疫 passive transport

passive immunity:被动免疫,被动免疫性,人工被动免疫

passive imaging system ==> 被动成像系统 | passive immunity ==> 被动免疫,被动免疫性,人工被动免疫 | passive immunization ==> 被动免疫接种

natural passive immunity:自然被动免疫

这种免疫可以通过得传染病获得,也可经过隐性感染...自然被动免疫(natural passive immunity) 母体的特异性抗体通过胎盘或初乳进入胎儿体内或婴儿体内,使胎儿或婴儿被动的获得母体抗体的方式...肿瘤抗原 肿瘤抗原(tumor antigen)泛指在肿瘤发生、发展过程中新出现或过度表达的抗原物质.

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