英语人>词典>英汉 : passerine的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

passerine ['pæsərain]


雀形目鸟, 燕雀类的鸟


燕雀类的, 像麻雀的

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With the support of the project, the study completed the classification to passerine birds in Yunnan, summarized their habitat environment, geographical distribution; and analyzed the characters and evolution tendency of avifauna in Yunnan, geographical division of birds in Yunnan. The project was successfully completed. As production of the study, the book of "The avifauna of Yunnan China, Vol.2: passeriformes", three articles in periodical journal, two articles in national meeting proceeding and three articles in international meeting proceeding were published.


Any of numerous small insect - eating passerine birds of the family Paridae,found in woodland areas throughout the world and including especially members of the genus Parus,such as the chickadee.


Oscine passerine is one of the animals possessing of the strongest vocal ability.


The results showed that the acoustic structures of non-passerine, sub-oscine passerine and oscine passerine\'s songs have significant differences.


Their vocal quality is better than non-passerine, but still much less than oscine passerine. Compared with non-passerine, they appeared longer syllable length, higher basic frequency and more viable frequency ranges. Though the amplitude modulation properties enhanced their vocal production, the type of syllable is still stable and less of variety. So thephrase consisted of syllables are comparatively few and changes of the tone are relatively less.


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passerby 过路人 | passerine 燕雀类的 | passible 易动情的


passer-by 过客 | passerine 象麻雀的 | passerine 燕雀类的


passerine 燕雀类的 | passerine 燕雀类的鸟 | passerpasserby 过路人


passerby /过路人/行人/ | passerine /燕雀类的/象麻雀的/燕雀类的鸟/ | passes /途径/通行/经过/消逝/传/

Solsala passerine:珍珠柴

膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 珍珠柴 Solsala passerine | 珍珠猪毛菜 Salsola passerina Bunge