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I soon found a way to convince him that I would do him no harm, and taking him up by the Hand laugh'd at him, and pointed to the Kid which I had kill'd, beckoned to him to run and fetch it, which he did; and while he was wondering and looking to see how the Creature was kill'd, I loaded my Gun again, and by and by I saw a great Fowl like a Hawk sit upon a Tree within Shot; so to let Friday understand a little what I would do, I call'd him to me again, pointed at the Fowl which was indeed a Parrot, tho' I thought it had been a Hawk, I say pointing to the Parrot, and to my Gun, and to the Ground under the Parrot, to let him see I would make it fall, I made him understand that I would shoot and kill that Bird; accordingly I fir'd and bad him look, and immediately he saw the Parrot fall, he stood like one frighted again, notwithstanding all I had said to him; and I found he was the more amaz'd, because he did not see me put any Thing into the Gun; but thought that there must be some wonderful Fund of Death and Destruction in that Thing, able to kill Man, Beast, Bird, or any Thing near, or far off; and the Astonishment this created in him was such, as could not wear off for a long Time; and I believe, if I would have let him, he would have worshipp'd me and my Gun: As for the Gun it self, he would not so much as touch it for several Days after; but would speak to it, and talk to it, as if it had answer'd him, when he was by himself; which, as I afterwards learn'd of him, was to desire it not to kill him.
I soon found a way to convince him that I would do him no harm, and taking him up by the Hand laugh'd at him, and pointed to the Kid which I had kill'd, beckoned to him to run and fetch it, which he did; and while he was wondering and looking to see how the Creature was kill'd, I loaded my Gun again, and by and by I saw a great Fowl like a Hawk sit upon a Tree within Shot; so to let Friday understand a little what I would do, I call'd him to me again, pointed at the Fowl which was indeed a Parrot, tho' I thought it had been a Hawk, I say pointing to the Parrot, and to my Gun, and to the Ground under the Parrot, to let him see I would make it fall, I made him understand that I would shoot and kill that Bird; accordingly I fir'd and bad him look, and immediately he saw the Parrot fall, he stood like one frighted again, notwithstanding all I had said to him; and I found he was the more amaz'd, because he did not see me put any Thing into the Gun; but thought that there must be some wonderful Fund of Death and Destruction in that Thing, able to kill Man, Beast, Bird, or any Thing near, or far off; and the Astonishment this created in him was such, as could not wear off for a long Time; and I believe, if I would have let him, he would have worshipp'd me and my Gun: As for the Gun it self, he would not so much as touch it for several Days after; but would speak to it, and talk to it, as if it had answer'd him, when he was by himself; which, as I afterwards learn'd of him, was to desire it not to kill him.
Huber: Ha noooowe do this gimmick called gorilla theatrewe normally have a guy in a gorilla suitwell, the zoo agreed to let us have their african gray parrot(one of the talking ones that does a little gig at the zoo)so we call the night parrot theatre.we bring the parrot out with the trainer and introduce him to the crowdall is well and his trainer starts walking him up the aisleshe's going to go through the sound booth and back downstairsshe gets halfway up the stairsand the parrot FREAKS OUTit shoots off her arm and flies over at the audience right at the stageit tries to get backstage but instead of it being the backstage area or even a curtainIT'S A GIANT BLACK FLAT WOOD W...
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病:见pseudoparalysis项下:Parrot's disease Parrot
parrot disease 鹦鹉病:同psittacosis | Parrot's disease Parrot病:见pseudoparalysis项下 | Parry's disease Parry病:毒性结节性甲状腺肿. 同Graves disease
公主鸚鵡 Princess Parrot | 红腹塞内加尔 RED BELLIED PARROT | 鹰头鹦鹉 HAWK HEAD PARROT
主题: 现有二手"鹦鹉"(Parrot)牌手风琴转让. 价格面议. 现有二手"鹦鹉"(Parrot)牌手风琴转让. 价格面议. 主题: 现有二手"鹦鹉"(Parrot)牌手风琴转让. 价格面议.