英语人>词典>英汉 : paper hanging的中文,翻译,解释,例句
paper hanging的中文,翻译,解释,例句

paper hanging

paper hanging的基本解释

糊壁用的纸, 裱贴墙纸

更多网络例句与paper hanging相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We just wanted you to know that you have toilet paper hanging off of your pants."


I write one by one in order they on the blank sheet of paper, hanging the flank of parents' photograph on the desk.


Paper is hanging vertically between us, and Pens are suspended as well.


It's difficult to place a pair of steps in the right place for hanging the paper.


If you set the hanging washing out paper aside for a period of time, reuse will be better.


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更多网络解释与paper hanging相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rice Paper Hanging Lamp:水稻文件挂灯

Features: 特点: | Rice Paper Hanging Lamp水稻文件挂灯 | The warm glow of the rice lamp温暖的辉光的水稻灯

paper hanging:糊壁用的纸

paper hanger 开空头支票者 | paper hanging 糊壁用的纸 | paper knife 裁纸刀

Paper hanging polygamy:悬多 偶皮

娼静 包共 Static packets of prostitution | 悬多 偶皮 Paper hanging polygamy | 身吐 虫聚 Poly who spit insect

Scissors, paper hanging:剪子,用于裱贴墙纸

3620015 Scissors, hairdressing 剪刀,理发师用 | 3620016 Scissors, paper hanging 剪子,用于裱贴墙纸 | 3620017 Scissors, surgical 剪刀,外科手术用

hanging paper:糊墙纸

handsheet 手抄纸页 | hanging paper 糊墙纸 | hanging raw stock 壁纸原纸

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