英语人>词典>英汉 : owner-peasant的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与owner-peasant相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next, we put the owner of each step in the descriptor.


A.Ownership is established by the Government Register b.Ownership is documented by reference to a good chain of title c.Registration provides an "indefeasible" title d.Owner is the person on the register e.Persons who lose their interests through fraud are protected by an insurance fund 9.The case of Mabo v The Queen (1992) is important because it deals with: a.

a.ownership政府登记成立 b.ownership记录了一系列关于良好标题 c.registration为"不可"称号 D.owner是人登记 e.persons丧失权益受到诈欺保险基金 9.the案判决(1992)5女王很重要,因为它涉及: A。

The pie committee telephoned a local garage owner who arrived in a recovery truck to salvage the pie dish.

只是行文的需要,所以把开头的owner和结尾的owner 用who 来替代,显得不罗嗦。

更多网络解释与owner-peasant相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beneficial owner:受益所有人

该说认为,股东与公司之间是一种信托关系:股东是委托人,是公司资产的"实际所有人"(real owner)或"受益所有人"(beneficial owner),而公司则是公司财产的"名义所有人"(nominal owner),公司受股东之托经营、管理和控制其财产,因此,从法律上说,

co-owner n. a joint owner:共同所有者

suggestion n. an idea or plan put forward for people to think about 建议 | co-owner n. a joint owner 共同所有者 | manager n. a person responsible for running a section of a business 经理

owner's risk:自负风险

Owner's Risk 船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险 | owner's risk 自负风险 | owner's risk 自负风险船舶所有人承担风险船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险