英语人>词典>英汉 : oversaturation的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与oversaturation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this character analysis part, another important relationship of coordinated control parameter and coordinated control structure is depicted in detail followed by an entire control problem describe. And the analysis results show that the nature of control subsystem partition problem is to find the oversaturation related signal groups in the network.


Are grain, noise, oversaturation, scratches and frames meaningful to you?


With the accumulation of field data study and the application of cell transmission model in urban network traffic control successfully and the development of network reliability study, the acquaintance degree of oversaturation enforces gradually.


However, these artists nearly destroyed the foundation of their craft, through no real fault of their own, with oversaturation and the improper education of their fans as to how these works of art came to fruition.


Secondly, some problems can be found while analyzing commuters' commute psychology, such as information oversaturation, commuter overreaction and concentration, which are discussed in detail.


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更多网络解释与oversaturation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


色指定方面, 画面的gamma值过高, 尤其以summer编最为严重, 整个画面呈现一大片白色. 如果要表示这一段是一千年前的故事, 可以在开始与结束时这麼处理, 或是在边框作喷雾. 让画面过饱和(oversaturation)会让m众的眼睛迅速疲劳.


oversaturatedrock 过饱和岩 | oversaturation 过饱和现象 | overscan 过扫

supersaturation; oversaturation:过饱和

管状视野 tunnel vision | 过饱和 supersaturation; oversaturation | 过饱和安全系数 coefficient of safe supersaturation

Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide:如此的清晰仿佛在被鞭打

I'll take it by your side 我会在你身边承受 | Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide 如此的清晰仿佛在被鞭打 | I'll take it by your side 我会在你身边忍受