英语人>词典>英汉 : out of phase的中文,翻译,解释,例句
out of phase的中文,翻译,解释,例句

out of phase

out of phase的基本解释

异相地, 不协调地, 动作时间不协调

更多网络例句与out of phase相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's safe to say that I am slowly moving out of my black phase.


Most of their half-speeds are out of phase.


WIll they be out of phase?


These two sinusoids are nearly out of phase .


Were 180 degrees out of phase, are now in phase.


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更多网络解释与out of phase相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

out of phase:相

以往被动式的减振降噪技术,只能消极的针对振动噪音作被动的消除工作,往往只能扬汤止沸,未能釜底抽薪,未来主动的消音技术,利用电子信号处理技术来侦测振动噪声源,而产生反相(Out of Phase)振噪源与破坏性干涉,来达到减震降噪的目的,

out of phase:反相

以往被动式的减振降噪技术,只能消极的针对振动噪音作被动的消除工作,往往只能扬汤止沸,未能釜底抽薪,未来主动的消音技术,利用电子信号处理技术来侦测振动噪声源,而产生反相(Out of Phase)振噪源与破坏性干涉,来达到减震降噪的目的,

out of phase:异相

58 out drive stage 输出驱动级 | 59 Out of Phase 异相 | 60 Part Number 产品型号

out of phase:异相;异相位

out-of-band signaling 频带外传讯 | out-of-phase 异相;异相位 | out-page access 离页存取

out of phase component life:异相组件寿命

异相,不同相(位) out of phase | 异相组件寿命 out of phase component life | 绝版 out of print

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