oscillation [,ɔsi'leiʃən]
- oscillation的基本解释
振动, 动摇, 变动, 彷徨, 变动彷徨
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion
- Hot Knives
- Down Boys
- Shame
- Spasm
- Far From Beautiful
- 拼写相近单词
- oscillations
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The paper consists of four chapters:In chaper 1, we introduce the background and signficance, research and actuality on oscillation of functional partial differential equations; we present research subject in this paper;In chaper 2, we discuss oscillatory property of systems of parabolic differential equations with delays and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of their solutions; we show the difference between oscillatory property of systems of parabolic differential equations with delays and that of systems of partial differential equtions without delays; we explain the main results with examples;In chapter 3, we discuss oscillatory property of systems of functional parabolic differential equations of neutral type; we obtain some sufficient conditions for the oscillation or full oscillation of their solutions under some conditions; we explain the main results with examples;In chapter 4, we discuss oscillatory property of systems of functional hyperbolic differential equations of neutral type; we obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation or full oscillation of their solutions under some conditions; we explain the main results with examples.
Firstly, the mechanism of heat transfer enhancement by oscillation heat surface is discussed in natural convection scene. For different oscillation amplitude and Rayleigh number, the frequency that the heat transfer rate of oscillation heat surface is higher than non-oscillation condition is found and called critical oscillation frequency. The limitation enhancement of similar physical model is still researched by this study in mixed and forced convection scenes for different amplitude and Grashof number. Generally, that a heat surface subject to a oscillation motion is advantageous to convective heat transfer is a well-known tuition.
The experiment shows that:(1) In certain light intensity and electric field ranges (145~305V/cm) the material Si∶ with a resistivity of 1E4Ω·cm exhibits a current oscillation phenomenon at liquid nitrogen temperature;(2) At a certain electric field,the waveform of the current oscillation is stable and does not change with time;(3) The dependence relation between the oscillation frequency and light-intensity can be expressed by f=f0(L/L0)α where L0 is the minimum light-intensity needed to stimulate oscillation,f0 is the frequency under L0,L is the intensity of the light,and α is a coefficient that increase with electric field;(4) The modulating coefficient K K=(Imax-Imin/Imax decreases as the light increases;(5) The maximum value of the oscillation Imax decreases with the increase of the light-intensity while the minimum value of oscillation Imin increases slowly.
结果表明:在一定光照和电场范围内(276~305V/cm ,电阻率为10.4Ω·cm的材料在液氮温度下显示出电流振荡特性;在一定的电场下,电流振荡波形是固定的,不随时间变化;振荡频率随光照强度的增大而线性增大;调制系数随着光强的增强而减弱;振荡的最大值随着光照强度增大而减小,最小值随着光强增大而缓慢增大。
- 更多网络解释 与oscillation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
认为H+流的振动(oscillation)可能参与了根的回旋转头运动. 菌根是土壤中特有的真菌与植物根的共生联合体. 植物有了菌根,就可以通过无数细长菌丝和菌索吸收土壤中的营养和水分,扩大根系的吸收面积,提高吸收能力.
此观念是在说;借着一种摆动 (oscillation )的过程,仆人的形像移动于团体及其个人的代表之间. 在Robinson 的观念,这个作为以色列代表的人乃是忠心的先知自己和他忠诚的门人. Eissfeldt 的说法则较含糊;他以为可能是他们的祖先中的一位.
专家们犯了一个错误,他们会辩解说他们不可能真的预计到会发生什么事情,他们估计到了地轴偏转,但没有估计到地壳震荡(oscillation). 宇宙飞船是进入了抗引力隧道,但又被拉进了由于天体碎片重新进入大气层引起的大气'震荡'(Back-wash)中而被天体尾部的无数碎片所击中.
damped oscillation:阻尼振荡
damped frequency 阻尼频率 | damped oscillation 阻尼振荡 | damped periodic i trument 阻尼周期仪表
damped oscillation:阻尼振动
cylindrical 圆柱形的 | damped oscillation 阻尼振动 | data 数据
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