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oriental arborvitae的中文,翻译,解释,例句

oriental arborvitae

oriental arborvitae的基本解释


更多网络例句与oriental arborvitae相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Investigation showed that the road Tai'an City Green application of a total of 70 plants, of which 22 species of street trees, with the main species Sophora japonica, P.tomentosa, wax, paulownia, privet, few hairs; Green belt 50 kinds of plants, including Magnolia, Lagerstroemia, lobular privet, Purple BARBERRY lone, oriental arborvitae, cedar, readleaf cherry plum in vitro, pomegranates, Forsythia, Di-tang, and Rose Hosta such perennial flowers.

调查表明,泰安市道路绿化应用的植物共有70多种,其中行道树22种,主要树种有国槐、毛白杨、白蜡、泡桐、女贞、五角枫等;绿化带植物有50 多种,主要包括白玉兰、紫薇、小叶女贞、紫叶小檗、龙柏、侧柏、雪松、紫叶李、石榴、连翘、棣棠、玉簪以及月季等宿根花卉。

Oriental arborvitae leaf 500 gram, old marabou is careless 30 gram, the five spices Tea 100 gram.


Qiaomu categories: cherry, 2-6 cm, 2-5 cm Lagerstroemia Ligustrum seeds boxwood, red Flowerwood, Lagerstroemia, cherry, Prunus cerasifera, Purple leaf peach, red maple, red Baorui wood,±, Ligustrum vicaryi,ê, Nandina domestica, etc.. 2, evergreen seedlings: cedar, Pinus, Pinus thunbergii,±±èí, Shu-Gui, Xian cypress, Wanfeng cypress, cypress, oriental arborvitae, Sabina, Sabina, 1000 Parker, Cypress, flower hodginsii ball, Shu cypress ball, Euonymus, Buxus microphylla, Buxus microphylla,óê, Mahonia, Pittosporum, Photinia, France holly, palm, sisal, etc..


更多网络解释与oriental arborvitae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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