英语人>词典>英汉 : organ of Corti的中文,翻译,解释,例句
organ of Corti的中文,翻译,解释,例句

organ of Corti

organ of Corti的基本解释


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Delivery of a plasmid vector expressing math1 to neonatal organ of Corti cultures produced supernumerary hair cells in vitro.


Objective To investigate the interaction between tectorial membrane and inner hair cell stereocilia in the condition of vibration of the organ of Corti.

目的 探讨在Corti器振动过程中盖膜与内毛细胞静纤毛的相互作用关系;进一步阐明感音传导过程中,内耳Corti器微观结构可能的存在状态。

Results The results showed hyper fluorescence was located in tectorial membrane, spiral ganglion, organ of corti. There were less intensity of fluorescesce among the atria vascularis.

结果 KCC2的阳性表达部位主要分布在耳蜗的盖膜、柯蒂器、螺旋神经节细胞以及前庭壶腹嵴顶部的毛细胞,耳蜗螺旋韧带及血管纹上KCC2为弱阳性表达。

At 1 Wk after noise exposure, the organ of Corti was stained with a fluorescent isothiocyanate-conjugated phalloidin probe and a TUNEL kit.


This spiral shaped organ contains the macula itself and it is called "organ of corti" after its discoverer.


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更多网络解释与organ of Corti相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

organ of Corti:柯蒂氏器

在听觉系统中,内耳在柯蒂氏器(Organ of Corti)中将声波转换成电信号,柯蒂氏器上布满了15000至20000个毛发状细胞. 这些细胞对振动作出反应,产生电刺激通过神经传给大脑. 这是一个脆弱的系统--高分贝的声音会损伤毛发状细胞,

organ of Corti:柯蒂氏器官

organ neurosis 器官神经症 | organ of Corti 柯蒂氏器官 | organ of equilibration 平衡器官

organ of Corti:哥蒂氏器;螺旋器

organ 器官 | organ of Corti 哥蒂氏器;螺旋器 | organelle 细胞器

organ of Corti:哥蒂氏器官,螺旋器

Organ 器官 | Organ of Corti 哥蒂氏器官,螺旋器 | Organelle 细胞器

congenital absence of organ of Corti:先天性柯替氏器缺失

congenital absence of external auditory meatus ==> 先天性外耳道缺失 | congenital absence of organ of Corti ==> 先天性柯替氏器缺失 | congenital absence of rib ==> 先天性肋骨缺失

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