英语人>词典>英汉 : oral的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,反义词,拼写相似词汇

oral ['ɔ:rəl]


口头的, 口述的, 口部的

  • An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise.
  • 只有口头协议是不够的;我们必须有一个书面承诺。
  • He passed his German oral exam.
  • 他通过了德文口试。
  • We're having an oral test in class this week.
  • 这星期我们班有一次口试。
  • The oral opening in an earthworm is small.
  • 蚯蚓的口是很小的。


  • She passed her orals.
  • 她通过了口试。
adj. said · voiced · verbal · spoken
adj. written
更多 网络例句 与oral相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that cotton swab and foam swab were the main oral care cleaning equipment used for oral intubated patients according to observations of ICU nurses performing oral care and self-reported questionnaires of ICU nurses. The cleaning solution was mainly dilute mouthwash. The mean correct rate was 72.4% in procedures of oral care. Due to the different characteristics of ICUs, the ICU nurses chose different cleaning equipment, cleaning solutions, methods of using cleaning solution, and oral endotracheal tube securement methods. Older age of the ICU nurses, was associated with more complete oral care. The completeness of performing oral care by the ICU nurses in medical ICU was significantly higher than that by nurses in surgical ICU.


The department is concerned with research within the fields of cariology, endodontics, clinical oral physiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental materials science, oral cell biology, oral microbiology, oral diagnostic radiology, orthodontics, periodontology, pedodontics, and prosthetic dentistry.


In the oral presentation and written statements are contradictory, the trial court held that: The instructions were not allowed access to a written document, that he intends to rely on the oral presentation, so he should be investigated and verified on an oral agreement, but he did not survey indicates that people have to be clearly explained do not trust the oral presentation, therefore can not be explains that trust is based on an incorrect statement in oral entered into a contract, it is not a request to rescind the contract.


更多网络解释 与oral相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




原来,道德(moral)和口腔(oral)有如此接近的「血缘」关系,只差一个字母而已!怪不得我们经常听到人们用口腔对食物的好恶所带来的感觉做为隐喻,去比拟行为是否合乎道德的标准. 例如西方的谚语中有一句话很传神,


4、人际交往技能(Interper,罗百辉的总经理/总裁/CEO职业博客(罗百辉模具技术联盟) - 企业博客网系统分析员需要与各种各样的人进行交流,应该是一个很好的沟通者(Communicator),其技能包括提出问题能力(Question)、倾听能力(Listen)、口头(Oral)和书面(Writt


FDA官方网站上对丙酮(acetone)药用的记载:结果显示口服(oral)和外用(topical)剂型里,丙酮可以作为非活性成份(inactive ingredient)被使用FDA官方网站上对丙酮(acetone)药用的记载:结果显示口服(oral)和外用(topical)剂型里,

oral cavity:口腔

鸭体内脏各部位名称 (一)消化系统 1.口 腔(ORAL CAVITY) 鸭之口腔位於上下颚之间,为前后延长之腔洞,由上嘴、下嘴、下颚骨及前颚等部构成. (1)嘴(BEAK):分上嘴及下嘴二部,上下压扁,近於三角形,口裂长深上嘴大於下嘴,上下嘴之尖端有一豆形突起,

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