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opening ceremony的中文,翻译,解释,例句

opening ceremony

opening ceremony的基本解释


更多网络例句与opening ceremony相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am sure that it will be the best opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


He told me that he would be asked to attend the opening ceremony.


"I am satisfied that my voice appeared in the opening ceremony," she said.


I have to say that this opening ceremony was the most impressive I have EVER seen.


I have informed him of the time for the opening ceremony.


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更多网络解释与opening ceremony相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

opening ceremony:开幕式

开幕式(Opening Ceremony)历来都是奥运会的重头戏. 在开幕式上既要反映出以和平、团结、友谊为宗旨的奥林匹克精神,也要展现出东道国的民族文化、地方风俗和组织工作的水平,同时还要表达对世界各国来宾的热情欢迎. 北京奥运会开幕在即又会展现出一个怎样的开幕式呢,

opening ceremony:开幕仪式

由张艺谋总导演的本届***开幕仪式(opening ceremony)就将于此举行. 届时,奥运圣火(torch)也将在完成了全国传递(relay)后在这里点燃2008北京***的主火炬. 点火仪式已成为本次开幕式的最大悬念. 水立方(国家游泳中心)是本届***另一个标志性建筑,

opening ceremony:开幕典礼

red-letter-day(值得纪念的日子;重大的日子)在我们的生活中占有重要位置,一般都会加以庆贺,比如结婚纪念日(wedding anniversary)、生日(birthday)、开幕典礼(opening ceremony)等等.

opening ceremony:开幕礼

实际上,以往我并未曾收看过这个赛事,留意的 也只有夏季奥运会而已,尤其○八年那届由北京举办,就算只看那场热閙的开幕礼 (Opening Ceremony),已感大开眼界.

the opening ceremony:开幕式

在奥林匹克运动会(the Olympic Games) 上,有一句几乎人人都知道的名言:重在参与.这句话曾多次出现在运动会开幕式(the Opening Ceremony)主会场的大屏幕(screen)上,具有广泛的影响力(influence).

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