英语人>词典>英汉 : odd-jobman的中文,翻译,解释,例句



勤杂工, 勤务印章

更多网络例句与odd-jobman相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we made a specification on the random variables of utility function with Odd I Larsen's research results, also chose a logit discrete choice model for estimation of Norwegian data, and got the relationship between private car use and costs.

本文采用了基本的微观经济学的消费者效用最大化理论作为模型的基础,在效用函数的随机变量部分采用了挪威莫尔德大学的Odd I Larsen 教授等的计算方法,并采取了logit 离散选择假设,对挪威的汽车消费数据进行了估算,得出了关于挪威汽车消费与汽车费用关系的一些有价值的结论,并推出了相关的政策建议。

Recall the following odd function below, which determines whether a numeric argument is odd or even returning 1 for odd numbers and 0 for even numbers

回想下 odd 函数,它用于判断一个数值对象是奇数还是偶数奇数返回 1 ,偶数返回 0

I have seen ODD children who moved out of that developmental stage where they had been stuck for years, and I have seen them stop being oppositional and defiant, without psychotherapy or counseling.


更多网络解释与odd-jobman相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

奇整数, odd number奇数:odd integer

negative number负数 | odd integer奇整数, odd number奇数 | even integer, even number偶数

odd parity check:奇数奇偶校验

odd-odd 奇-奇 | odd-parity check 奇数奇偶校验 | odd-to-even carbon-number ratio 奇-偶碳数比

odd-numbered preference:奇数选择

odd-integral number 奇整数 | odd-numbered preference 奇数选择 | odd-odd 奇-奇