英语人>词典>英汉 : octane value的中文,翻译,解释,例句
octane value的中文,翻译,解释,例句

octane value

octane value的基本解释


更多网络例句与octane value相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High octane value, can significantly increase the mixed octane value of fuel and enhance antiknock performance


RAG - 1 catalyst is a necessaries of exclusive use in ARGG technology, and applied to produce liquefied gas and benzine with high octane value in a large scale.


The results showed that colorless transparent solvent oil or gasoline blending stock of high-octane value can be obtained by hydrogenating of cracking C9. Bromine value of this product was 714.3 mgBr/100g.

实验表明,裂解碳九通过加氢得到了溴价为714.3 mgBr/100g的无色透明的溶剂油或高辛烷值汽油调和原料。

更多网络解释与octane value相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

octane rating:辛烷率

辛烷值 octane number | 辛烷率 octane rating | 辛烷值 octane value

octane value:辛烷值

辛烷率 octane rating | 辛烷值 octane value | 八分仪,圆周八分之一 octant

octane promoter:抗爆剂

octane number 辛烷值 | octane promoter 抗爆剂 | octane value 辛烷值