英语人>词典>英汉 : not essential的中文,翻译,解释,例句
not essential的中文,翻译,解释,例句

not essential

not essential的基本解释

可有可无, 可有可无的

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Looks back on this for 27 years which oneselfpasses through, permits is 碌碌 not heard, more is innermostfeelings very many regrettable, is not own with all one's heart bymight and main does not go to the sincerity to strive for, but isfundamentally all not too is appropriate to me, including the work,the life and so on each aspect, I is wants the strong person verymuch, certainly does not cherish selfishly, but very many matters, orall truly understood I the person too few too has been short, my wishis: All person and the matter not essential said that directly,everybody understood may, might associate the person always was notfully correct in assumptions your true thoughts, therefore did notstop in this 27 years searches with hardship, searches person whichthe oneself heart had cleverness, until now did not have the personwhich made the oneself heart movement, I this time very from sad, wasmy judgement is really high?

回首自己走过的这27年来,多许的是碌碌无闻,更多的是内心的很多遗憾,不是不自己尽心竭力去真心争取,而是从根本上一切对我的不太合适,包括工作、生活等等各个方面,我是一个很要强的人,当然不怀自私,但是很多事情,还是一切真正理解我的人太少太少了,我的意愿是:一切人和事不必要说的那么直接,大家心领神会就可以了,可交往的人总是猜不透你真正的心思,因此在这 27年中不停的苦苦寻觅,寻觅自己心有灵犀的人,到如今没有一个令自己心动的人,我此时很自悲,是真的我的眼光高?

The man is a rational animal, they to know the oneself demand what, and those is what not essential of, those is the whole life to is essential, and which show offed the municipal of, those use to show own.


If this is the case, a sample from the child and the putative father are essential, with a sample from the mother being desirable but not essential.
