英语人>词典>英汉 : nonutilitarian的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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The aesthetic motive is very feeble in a lot of writers, but even a pamphleteer or a writer of textbooks will have pet words and phrases which appeal to him for nonutilitarian reasons; or he may feel strongly about typography, width of margins, etc.


Such an attitude to literary creation is obviously putting the focus of aesthetic criteria on pure literary artistic value, which somewhat has a nonutilitarian, unrealistic, moral-free and unpolitical dimension.


But, both nonutilitarian value and utilitarianvalue are aspects of demands of human nature.


Even though Pareto superiority can be employed as a standard of utility , it has content aside from this connection, and its application in social and legal policy matters may be justified on nonutilitarian grounds .
