nonsense ['nɔnsəns]
- nonsense的基本解释
无意义的事, 荒唐, 胡说, 废话, 荒谬的言行
- The closet is full of broken toys and other nonsense.
- 壁橱里都是些破损的玩具及其它无价值的东西。
- Stop that nonsense, children!
- 别胡闹了,孩子们!
- Don't let him fool you with nonsense like that.
- 别让他用那种胡说八道来愚弄你。
- It 's all nonsense.
- 这全是胡说。
- She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!
- 她告诉我月亮是奶酪做的,真是胡说八道!
- 相似词
- nonsense的反义词
- n. sense
- 与nonsense相关的词组
- talk nonsense:胡说八道
- 拼写相近单词
- nonsenses
- nonsensible
- nonsensical
- nonsensicality
- nonsensically
- nonsensitive
- nonsensitized
- nonsensuous
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- nonsense correlation
- nonsense verse
- nonsense所属的单词分类
Negative / 否定语
eroding · deprived · sobbing · zero · yucky · yell · wound · worthless · woeful · wicked
- 更多 网络例句 与nonsense相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
No nonsense Lloyd is a no-nonsense kind of guy.
British artist and writer of nonsense verse, included in such works as his first Book of Nonsense (84').
We are speaking about an act that is a radical end to all this nonsense that's been going on which is terrifyingly destructive nonsense.
- 更多网络解释 与nonsense相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
原文说的"放屁",只是"胡说"(nonsense)的意思,而英译竟按字死译,而且用上命令式语气,不看原文,也知道错了. 因为放屁是自然生理现象,不能由人操作的. 一个人尚且不能指挥自己放屁,怎肯接受别人的命令来放屁呢?
但正如近来许多机构所提出的警告,利差交易终有反转的一天,而当反转开始发生时,又将是一番惊天动地的资金大震荡. 诺贝尔经济奖得主托宾(J. Tobin)确实也用胡说八道(nonsense)总结其批评,议成禅师语言就是「放屁」.
拉菲达及巫统妇女组署理主席拿督斯里莎丽扎抨击>评论员佐瑟琳陈(Joceline Tan)的一篇评论,并指后者是"胡扯"(Nonsense)及质疑"她在搞甚麼"!
糖(Ara)对阿拉伯糖操纵子中araB、A、D基因转录的影响是:( )B.通过DNA弯折(bending)而促进转录酶最可能是因为编码哪一种蛋白质的基因无义(nonsense)造成的:( )C.降解物激活蛋白(CAP)5.在研究细菌SOS调谐子(regulon)的作用机理时,
nonsense syllable:无意义音节
遗忘 forgetting | 无意义音节 nonsense syllable | 动机性遗忘 motivated forgetting
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