nonplus ['nɔnplʌs]
- nonplus的基本解释
迷惑, 困惑, 尽头
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Nonplus:To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder.
使迷惑:使不知所措,使不知如何想、说或做;使为难 mqEPH4x
In his first period works as if you go through a violence and fearful world, that also according to the prevalent style of writing in the pioneer literature age at that time. He abandoned the common sense and building a widely different world from the common sense experience, we take effort to his brimless tribulation in his novels and research into his core of his described topic, to analyze the factor of violence in his works, at the same time affirm this expression, it also describe the nonplus to this expression.
Informal To cause confusion or perplexity in; disconcert or nonplus
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8. referendum 全民投票(以表决某政治问题) | 9. nonplus 使某人惊讶或困惑 | 10. devolve 将工作,职务等转交给某人
nonperson 受排挤的人 | nonplus 困惑 | nonpolar 无极的
callus 老茧,皮肤硬厚处 | nonplus 使窘困,狼狈不堪 | surplus 过剩,剩余(物资)
discomfited 慌乱的 | nonplus 使困惑 | sullen 闷闷不乐的
at a nonplus:进退维谷, 左右为难
regulations of locomotive repairs 机车检修规则 | at a nonplus 进退维谷, 左右为难 | do the handsome 慷概解囊[资助]
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