英语人>词典>英汉 : nigrosine的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

nigrosine ['naigrəsi:n]


[化] 苯胺黑

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Beijing 100034,China(The School of Oncology,Beijing Institute for Cancer Research,Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100034,China)(The School of Oncology,Beijing Institute for Cancer Research,Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100034,China)Abstract : Objective In order to study the effects of ATP on U937 cells. Methods Cell culture,flow cytometry,HE staining,Nigrosine staining and electron microscopy were used.

应用ATP(0.23g/L)作用于人白血病细胞U937,(1)用白细胞计数器每日计数细胞和计算抑制率;(2)用流式细胞分析仪文献检测 ATP对U937细胞周期改变和凋亡的影响;(3)苏木精-伊红染色和电子显微镜文献检测凋亡小体的形成过程;(4)用苯胺黑染色文献检测凋亡小体的生命本性。

There are two types of black materials: one kind of them absorbs visible light through electron transition to form black, such as nigrosine, anthraquinone black, and iron oxide black, the other kind such as carbon black reflects and absorbs visible light several times with its superficial porous effect to form black.


Results (1)ATP could inhibit the proliferation of U937 cells with inhibition rate over 43% after 48hour ATP treatment;(2)ATP treated U937 cells numbers increased obviously in G1 phase,and apoptosis peak appeared before G1 phase,apoptotic cell number was 3.4% for 24hour,and was 22.7% for 48hour of ATP treated U937 cells;(3) Nuclear chromatin condensed into sperical masses bound cytoplasma membrane formed apoptotic bodies which is shed from membrane surface into intercellular medium;(4) Apoptotic bodies were nigrosine staining negtive.

结果 (1)ATP对U937细胞的增殖有按摩明显的阻抑作用,加药48h后增殖的抑制率可达43%以上;(2)ATP处理的U937细胞周期发生改变,G1期细胞数按摩明显增多,ATP作用24h时G1期前出现亚二倍体峰——凋亡峰,凋亡细胞数为3.4%,作用48h时凋亡细胞数增多为22.7%;(3)ATP处理的U937细胞首先在核内染色质浓缩成半月形贴近核膜,逐渐向核膜外移动,进入胞浆内再移向质膜内外面,紧贴质膜外面再逐步脱离细胞体,进入细胞基质中,成为游离的凋亡小体。

Methods Cell culture,flow cytometry,HE staining,Nigrosine staining and electron microscopy were used. Results (1)ATP could inhibit the proliferation of U937 cells with inhibition rate over 43% after 48hour ATP treatment;(2)ATP treated U937 cells numbers increased obviously in G1 phase,and apoptosis peak appeared before G1 phase,apoptotic cell number was 3.4% for 24hour,and was 22.7% for 48hour of ATP treated U937 cells;(3) Nuclear chromatin condensed into sperical masses bound cytoplasma membrane formed apoptotic bodies which is shed from membrane surface into intercellular medium;(4) Apoptotic bodies were nigrosine staining negtive.

结果 (1)ATP对U937细胞的增殖有明显的阻抑作用,加药48h后增殖的抑制率可达43%以上;(2)ATP处理的U937细胞周期发生改变,G1期细胞数明显增多,ATP作用24h时G1期前出现亚二倍体峰——凋亡峰,凋亡细胞数为3.4%,作用48h时凋亡细胞数增多为22.7%;(3)ATP处理的U937细胞首先在核内染色质浓缩成半月形贴近核膜,逐渐向核膜外移动,进入胞浆内再移向质膜内外面,紧贴质膜外面再逐步脱离细胞体,进入细胞基质中,成为游离的凋亡小体。

更多网络解释与nigrosine相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


nifedipine 硝苯吡啶,利心平,心痛定 | nigrosine 尼格罗黑 | Nile blue 尼罗蓝


nigrite 尼格赖特 | nigrosine 苯胺黑 | ninhydrin 茚三酮

nigrosine:油溶黑 苯胺黑

nigrometer /黑度计/ | nigrosine /油溶黑/苯胺黑/ | nihil /无/


nigrometer 黑度计 | nigrosine 油溶黑 | nigrosine 苯胺黑

Dyes, nigrosine:染料,苯胺黑的

3235012 Dyes, nitro, nitroso 染料,硝基和亚硝基的 | 3235013 Dyes, nigrosine 染料,苯胺黑的 | 3235014 Dyes, synthetic, union 混合染料,合成的

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