英语人>词典>英汉 : neutral corner的中文,翻译,解释,例句
neutral corner的中文,翻译,解释,例句

neutral corner

neutral corner的基本解释


更多网络例句与neutral corner相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Go to the neutral corner.


3 If a ball is last touched by a defending robot and goes out over the end of the field, the ball will be placed at the neutral zone at the corner of the penalty box.


CE. The Earth Alliance has just placed a massive space station, Babylon 5, in orbit around a planet in a neutral corner of a distant galaxy to serve as a refuge for anyone seeking sanctuary from the tyranny of the hostile federations that dominate the outermost regions of space.

公元2 2 5 8 年,地球联邦发射一艘巨大太空站-五号战星,往遥远宇宙的中立区域,围绕著某颗星球运行,为许多受到暴政统治的星际难民提供庇身之所。

Neutral corner.


更多网络解释与neutral corner相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

neutral corner:中立角

214.蓝角:blue corner | 215.中立角:neutral corner | 216.帆布台面:canvas-covered floor

neutral corner:到中立区去

"Hey, I'll take it from here because you obviously don't know what you're doing."|"嘿,还是让我来吧 因为很明显你不... | Neutral corner.|到中立区去 | - See the way she did that? - Yeah.|- 看见她怎么出拳了...

neutral corner:中立角落

中丙级 welterweight | 中立角落 neutral corner | 中量级 middleweight

Retire to the neutral corner. Okay:用客观的角度 - 好的

And the Dominic Foy connection, all right? Yeah.|- 和多米尼克关系网,好吗? - 好的 | Retire to the neutral corner. Okay.|- 用客观的角度 - 好的 | Gentle. Thank you.|轻轻地,谢谢

Go to the neutral corner. Neutral corner:去中立角,中立角

Stay away from this dame.|离这位夫人远点 | Go to the neutral corner. Neutral corner.|去中立角,中立角 | - Four, five, six... - Stay down, you bitch.|- 四,五,六... - 趴着吧,你个婊子