network ['netwə:k]
- network的基本解释
网络, 广播网, 网状物
- They have developed marketing networks.
- 他们已经形成了一个销售网络。
- The President's speech was broadcast on a national television network.
- 总统演说由全国电视网联播。
- 相似词
- network所属的单词分类
Business / 商务
win-win · username · prime rate · mouse pad · economy of scale · cold call · bottom line · purchase order · log-in · sales tax
Computer / 计算机
username · terabyte · teminal · social networking · screenshot · open source · malware · flash drive · Exabyte · digital versatile disc
- 更多 网络例句 与network相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The proportion of rents that firms get depends on their network capability. This reveals the essential relationships between network resource, network rents and network capability: First of all, network rents come from the network resources. Furthermore, network rent is the representative of the competitive advantage and the value of the network resource. Second, network resource is the foundation of the network capability, the function of network capability is activated in the process of using network resource by firm. It enables the network resource to be a potential value resource of the competitive advantage. At last, network capability activates the network rents in the network resource, and make sure that the firm get the additional benefit;(4) the network capability can be classified as: network visioning capability, network constructing capability, network operating capability and network constructing capability. Some factors, such as maturity of IT, openness of culture, management system involved, experience of participation in network, have a positive effect on the network capability of the firm;(5) the impact of network capability on innovation performance is realized through knowledge transfer between network partners, namely, knowledge transfer is the mediator; and (6) the type of innovation network, exporation network or exploitation network, has moderator effect on the relationship of network capability and knowledge transfer, and network capability and innovation performance as well. In the exploration network, network constructing capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation. In the exploitation network, network operating capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation.
In this paper, the concept of network security and security structures of OSI and Internet is introduced, and various threats confronting the computer network are also discussed. Several kinds of network information security technologies, including firewall technology, virtual private network, intrusion detection system, data encryption technology, identity authentication and security protocol etc. are also examined. The security of internal network is the biggest problem in the construction of each network. The solution to this problem lies in setting up a firewall. The theory of a firewall and the approach to its actualization is studied. Intrusion detection system, an important part of the computer network security system, has gained extensive attention. IDS monitors the computer and network traffic for intrusion and suspicious activities. It not only detects the intrusion from the extranet hacker, but also the intranet users. The emergence of virtual private network paves the way for realizing secure connection of LAN quickly and at a relatively low cost. The concept, function, key techniques, including the tunnel technology, and the ways to realize VPN are expounded in this paper. Also introduced is the data encrypt network technology, which is called the soul of computer network security, such as digital digest, digital signature, digital certificate, digital encrypt arithmetic and so on. At the same time, the principle and the process of implementing network security by digital certificate and digital signature, the basic principle and characters of security protocols, and finally, three of the security protocols, concerning the security problems in network, IPsec, SLL and SET are analyzed in detail Computer network system should be a system of dynamic defence, both dynamic and static, passive as well as active, and even offensive, combined with management and technology.
The whole PPT-reports of the Forum have put into "Complex Network Science Forum Circle" on Science Network in China (Please see: hettp// ) and also appear on the CCAST-WL Webside (Please see: ). Main issues of the Forum are associated main subject of Network Science with application, including: review and outlook of network science ,spreading model of the H1N1 influenza virus , dynamics of neural network , brain functional networks,dynamics of topological structure, military network science with application, space structure of complex networks, community structure,,stationary e fficiency of coevolutionary networks , significance of community structure,,relationshipe between structure and dynamics of complex network, generalized synchronization and control, consensus of multi-agent systems, evolutionary game and friendship network, s preading of epidemic based on human and animal mobility pattern, complex network engineerings, and so on.
本届论坛文集共收编了32篇 ppt 报告,已经公布在中国科学网"复杂网络论坛圈"上(请看: hettp// 并且也发表在中国高等科学技术中心网站上( the CCAST-WL Webside )(请看: ),这些报告内容丰富,各具特色,颇有创新,基本涵盖了近年来我国网络科学领域若干重要课题的研究进展和丰硕成果,课题研究颇有深度,不仅具有现实意义的重要课题(如甲型流感全球大爆发之经验统计及其传播模型),而且有前沿课题:生物神经网络系统的动力学与大脑网络,还有一系列重要课题:网络拓扑结构的动力学识别与估计、军事网络科学、网络科学在工程应用、多个体一致性、网络结构与动力学之间关系、同步-协同-中性稳定性和流型的稳定性、网络系统的协调动力学与控制、复杂网络的空间结构、连续系统和离散系统中的广义同步、疾病免疫算法、网络节点匹配、电力网、供应链网、化工网、通讯网与保密通信,等等。
- 更多网络解释 与network相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
如果不斤斤计较理想与现实之间的距离,那我想我们可以为阿里预见他们未来的能力鼓掌.毕竟你仔细比较下,会发现阿里之于未来的设计,与刻下最新潮的商业思想相呼应.阿里关于"大平台"的构想,与SAP等公司谈及的"商业网络 "(Network),殊途同归;而旗下
在1972年影片>(The Godfather)中三人再度合作,杜瓦尔扮演的律师一角为他首度赢得奥斯卡提名,70年代他陆续出演了>(The Godfather: Part II)、>(The Killer Elite)、>(Network)、<<百分之七的解
log_type = SYSLOG daemon info cps = 50 10 # 网路 (network) 相关的预设值使用 rsync 这个可以进行远端镜射 (mirror) 的服务来说明. rsync 可以让两部主机上面的某个目录一模一样, 在远端异地备援系统上面是挺好用的一个机制.
网络网络网络网络(NetWork)菜单菜单菜单菜单电缆状态电缆状态电缆状态电缆状态(Cable Status):NetTool在设置(Setup)选择PC或网络网络网络网络(Network)图标以获取详细的连接设选择问题问题问题问题(Problems)选项,
Network DDE:动态数据交换传输
23)Netmeeting remote desktop sharing 我不用netmeeting | 24)Network DDE 动态数据交换传输 | 25)Network DDE DSDM 和上面差不多
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